P. 3

                                                            <<<            PLANTAIN

                                                                             PREMIUN HARTON

                  COMMON NAME                Harton Plantain
                  SCIENTIFIC NAME            Musa Paradisiaca Var. Harton

                  ORIGIN                     Colombia

                  MINIMUM LENGTH             10" from end to end (measured by the external face)
                  MAXIMUM CUTTING AGE        10 weeks

                  ALTITUDE                   0 MALS

                  CALIBER                    Medium size 10cm
                  DISTRIBUTION               0 - 800 MASL

                  VEGETATIVE CYCLE           Con nuous produc on
                                             20 to 28 lines (25mm to 50mm); the degree is measured by the external
                                             face and to the center of the plantain.
                  DESCRIPTION                Tropical and nutri ous fruit, its use in green and ripe gives it versa lity in
                                             its consump on; with its various deriva ves such as flour, plantain chips,
                                             they have many uses. The internal quality of the fruit is guaranteed, with

                                             our soils of natural nutri on where our plantain crops are spread. 1 gr /Lt
                                             of water.

                   Quality Criteria                                      Organolep c Characteris cs
                   They have a fresh appearance and a firm consistency.   COLOR: Green to yellow depending on
                   Completely healthy, free from insect or disease       the degree of matura on.
                   a acks.                                               SMELL: Fruity.
                   Clean, odor free.                                     SHAPE: Long curve.
                   No bruises, spots on the epidermis and abnormal       FLAVOR: Sweet and so .
                   external moisture.                                    TEXTURE: Creamy strong.
                   There is no presence of diseases or pests.
                   Traces  of  agrochemicals  are  not  allowed,  with
                   complete inspec on of fruit by fruit to ensure good    Packs per Container
                   phytosanitary status and a characteris c shape of      Net weight 23.08Kg
                   the fruit.
                                                                          Box of 25Kg (gross weight)
                                                                          FCL is 960 boxes

                                                                          TARIFF HEADING: 0803.10.10.00
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