P. 4


                  COMMON NAME                   Clean fruit
                  SCIENTIFIC NAME               Musa Acuminata

                  ORIGIN                        Colombia

                  MINIMUM FINGER                8" minimum of pulp to  p on the cu ng finger

                  AGE TO CUT                    11 weeks

                  ALTITUDE                      0 MASL

                  CALIBER                       Measured between 7cm and 18cm/maximum age: 12 weeks
                  DISTRIBUTION                  0 - 600 MASL

                  VEGETATIVE CYCLE              Con nuous produc on

                  DEGREE                        7 - 17 Lines
                  DESCRIPTION                   Robust  grass  up  to  10m  high  and  rhizomatous.  Strong  and  well-
                                                developed  leaves,  leaf  pe oles  that  make  up  the  aerial  false  shoot,
                                                extremity  1m  to  2m  long  and  35cm  to  60cm  wide,  torn  into  strips
                                                perpendicular to the central axis. Unisexual flowers, with a resistant
                                                pendulum  sha   up  to  1m  high;  the  lower  flowers  are  feminine
                                                and the superior, masculine. Fleshy fruit

                  Quality Criteria                                     Organolep c Characteris cs
                 They have a fresh appearance and a firm consistency.   COLOR:   Green to yellow depending on
                 Completely healthy, free from insect or disease a acks.        the degree of matura on.
                 Clean, odor free.                                     SMELL:   Fruity.
                 No bruises, spots on the epidermis and abnormal       SHAPE:   Long curve.
                 external moisture.                                    FLAVOR:   Sweet and so .
                 There is no presence of diseases or pests.            TEXTURE:  Creamy without fiber.
                 Traces of agrochemicals are not allowed, with
                 complete inspec on of fruit by fruit to ensure        Packs per Container
                 good phytosanitary status and a characteris c
                 shape of the fruit.                                   Net weight tray Minimum 18.6Kg Max 18.8Kg
                                                                       Box of 19.6Kg - 20Kg (gross weight)
                                                                       FCL is 1080 boxes

                                                                       TARIFF HEADING: 0803.90.12.00
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