Page 12 - FOP August 2019 Magazine
P. 12
Financial Secretary’s Report
Picnic-goers strike a pose (or two) with tactical vehicles
Happy August to you and your families!
It has been a pretty hot summer so far; hopefully your air conditioners are working fine.
Let me start by telling you about the picnic. A great time was had by all, with some wonderful carnival rides and plenty of fun to go around.
The Mounted Patrol showed up with their noble steeds.
The Helicopter Patrol also came swooping in, giving the crowd a thrill by riding over the picnic with the siren going. People also got to sit in the helicopter and
take pictures. What a treat!
Let us not forget the invaluable SWAT team, which brought
out its armored tactical vehicle — very impressive. Attendees also were allowed to take pictures with the imposing BearCat.
I want to thank Cora and Gary Hudik for all their help. Cora does a great job managing the games for the kids.
The fabulous Ina, along with Tom, Taylor, Kenny, Bob and Smurf, kept the gift shop trailer moving along.
The raffles were done quickly and efficiently, thanks to our hardworking office personnel: Brita, Catharine, Cricket, Maggie and Marikay, with Kathy Spiewak keeping everything in line.
I also want to thank all the FOP board members who showed up to help — especially Mark Tamlo, who really stuck it out until
the end for the big cleanup.
I want to thank the queen of the baskets, Cricket, for all her
hard work in making the baskets look so great and making the picnic a success.
Finally, I want to thank Joe Gentile and his family for doing all the legwork for the picnic. It is an exhaustive effort to coor- dinate the picnic dealings to ensure that the whole thing comes together smoothly.
I certainly hope everyone had a good time, and we look for- ward to it being even better next year!
A grievance committee meeting was held July 25 with the fol- lowing results: The committee decided to go forward with six grievances, including a class action that I filed on behalf of a detective class.
A class action is filed when a great number of detectives or officers have their contractual rights violated so that they do not have to file individual grievances.
The committee then decided to withdraw eight grievances, including some medical grievances that Jay Ryan had gone over. Thanks to Dan Gorman for running the grievance commit- tee that day. Dan’s infinite knowledge is always a benefit to the
As always, stay safe.
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