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Off-duty PPO puts recent training to the test
SprintWorksSfMor PublicSector employees.
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Two weeks after going through Law Enforcement Medical and Rescue Training (LEMAR), Probationary Police Officer Timothy Sweeney put his newly acquired skills into action at seemingly the unlikeliest of times.
On an outing with his wife, an off-duty Sweeney was driving to visit his grandmother just before noon on July 7. The couple decided to make a stop to pick up a blueberry pie when things took a dramatic turn.
Sweeney parked his car and looked to his left to see a man down in the middle of the street as well as a dent- ed minivan leaving the area. Sweeney’s wife called 911 as he immediately be- gan to assess the man’s injuries.
“I grabbed his head and neck right away to secure his spine,” Sweeney said at a July 6 press conference, before explaining that his next step was to do

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