Page 38 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 38
Painter’s Checklist
2 Shipping tags 43⁄4" x 23⁄8" (12.07 x 6.03 cm)
Antique White Cherry Red (optional) Deep Burgundy
Jade Green
Light Avocado
Light Buttermilk
Midnite Green Raw Sienna Shale Green Terra Coral Tomato Red
Series 455 nos. 10/0 & 1 Dresden liner Series 140 no. 10 flat
Series 550 3⁄4" wash
Series 670 1⁄4" mop
Any old brush for adhesive
Basic painting supplies (page 96) DecoArt Napkin Decou-Page DecoArt Glamour Dust Gold Glitz or
Ice Crystal
Sponge dauber
Rubber stamp of musical notes
Canvas, loose 4" x 8" (10.16 x 20.32 cm) Napkin with gold trim or stencil
Napkin with pine bough (optional)
Lace, 5⁄8" off-white
Ribbon, 1⁄8" green
Green brad, small
Crafter’s glue
n The tags are available at local craft or office supply stores.
n The brushes are available from
n The rubber stamp is from Recollections 184612 Sheet Music found at Michael’s.
n The Christmas tag kits are available from Cindy Harrison, 18 Greatstone Drive, Merrimack, NH 03054; (603) 429-3556;
36 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016
Poinsettias always remind me of Christmas. Christmas is such a beautiful time of year, filled with happiness and love. I wanted to share this reflection with you. I love the calm-
ing feeling of the vintage look. I also look to find ways of creating something as inexpensively as possible without sacrificing beauty. This tag came about as a result. It also makes a beautiful ornament!
Using the 3⁄4" wash brush, apply Light Buttermilk and Antique White in a slip-slap motion over the tag. Let dry. It will curl some but can be flattened out later.
Using a sponge dauber loaded with Shale Green, prepare the rubber stamp by sponging the paint onto the stamp. Press this stamp onto the upper section of the card diagonally. If you do not have a rubber stamp with music on it, print out some sheet music using a toner-based printer. An inkjet printer will not work. The ink will run when touched with water or a medium. Tear up the sheet music paper so that the edges are not straight. Use an old scruffy brush to apply DecoArt Napkin Decou-Page to the tag and then press the paper onto the tag. Cover the paper with a layer of DecoArt Napkin Decou-Page. Let dry.
Tear up the decorative napkins. Place the napkin design elements on the surface and arrange until a desired pattern is achieved. Apply a coat of DecoArt Napkin Decou-Page onto the left side of the tag. Place napkin down and repeat over top with more Decou-Page. Tear off excess napkin. Let dry. I chose to place the pine bough design behind my flower. You can use holly or any greenery you desire, as well as edge trimming. Directions for painting the pine bough are included on page 38.
Shade around the edges with a sideload of Raw Sienna using the 3⁄4" wash brush. Mop as necessary.