Page 49 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 49
Refer to Diagram 3.
Using large shader, brush Winsor & Newton Refined Linseed Oil in cast shadow area.
/// of Juniper with Raw Umber+Ivory Black+Indigo (1:1:tch).
Using no. 2 round and softening with mop, create a shadow on branches with Raw Umber+Ivory Black (1:1).
Refer to Diagram 3.
Using a palette knife, randomly apply Liquitex Flexible Modeling Paste+Cool Neutral+Antique White+Ivory Black (2:1:1:1).
Designs are 25% of original. Enlarge 400% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
ISSUE 3 - 2016
1220 E. 1st St., Wichita, KS 67214.
Allow four weeks for delivery.
After completely dry, sideload Bittersweet Chocolate+ Hippo Grey (3:1) in /// shade area.
Using masking tape, create a vertical border line (about 1⁄8") with Bittersweet Chocolate.
After the surface is completely dry, apply J.W. etc. Right- Step Water Base Clear Varnish (Satin). Allow the surface to dry again, then use a liner brush to draw a Champagne Gold line for outline of all ribbons.
Apply J.W. etc. Right-Step Water Base Clear Varnish (Satin) one more time and allow surface to dry.
Using liner brush, apply DecoArt Craft Twinkles Crys- tal Glitter Paint+DecoArt Glamour Dust to highlight orna- ment’s designs. Glue a crystal stone in most shining spot.
artist’s sketch
Sayuri Kitagawa mda started paint- ing 20 years ago. She joined SDP in 2008 and became an MDA in 2014.
Her home studio, Atelier Anglina, is in Kobe, Japan. Sayuri loves to paint everyday objects in a natural, classic, and elegant style.
Since 2000, she has taught at the
culture school where she enjoys teaching her painting tech- nique to her students.
Visit her website at
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The Decorative Painter DecPtrAug2016 (sdp).indd 1
ISSUE NO. 3, 2016 47
7/6/16 12:34