Page 59 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 59

      STEP 3
Unless otherwise indicated, use the brush best suited to the area being painted.
GLAZE: It’s important to allow the surface to dry, and then apply Deco- Art Traditions Glazing Medium+water (1:1) between each step of the project to provide protection to the layers and ensure they won’t lift when painting further layers. It also allows you to wipe off any mistakes.
BLENDING: Dampen the area you are working in with DecoArt Tradi- tions Extender & Blending Medium instead of water for floating and blending. This step will allow a long play time. Try to avoid puddles. Use the mop brush to remove water lines and to soften the floating and high- lighting.
LINEWORK: When using a script liner, use inky-consistency paint. Roll the tip on the palette to thin the tip for finer lines. Make sure to hold the liner brush handle straight up and use your wrist for long strokes.
stomach with Raw Sienna. Darken along bottom and top corners and wing with Burnt Umber. Pick up a brush mix of Carbon Black+Opaque Titanium White (1:1) and blend along both sides of stomach and side of face. Use the no. 4 filbert to dab a mix of Carbon Black+Opaque Titanium White (1:1) over top of head and float along the tail. (Do this step after branch is basecoated.) Outline feet with Carbon Black and keeping brush dirty, use the 1⁄4" angular to pick up Opaque Titanium White to lightly apply a highlight.
Basecoat the cranberry in the beak with Naphthol Red.
All three chickadees are painted with the same steps and using the same color and technique. Use the no. 4 filbert to basecoat stomach and side of face with Opaque Titanium White, and the head, beak, bib, wing, and tail with Carbon Black. Use the no. 10/0 script liner to apply fine hairlines of Carbon Black along beak and Opaque Titanium White spots on bib area and wing. Outline beak with Carbon Black and eye with Opaque Titanium White. Blend along left and right
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016 57

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