Page 71 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 71
With Nimbus Grey in either your round brush or filbert, basecoat all candy canes, includ- ing the beaded bands around the plate and center, the ribbon and hard candies, the cup and saucer, and the flag. Indicate sections of candy canes and peppermint bands with a no. 2 pencil. Either draw sections on hard candies or use pattern with gray graphite.
Use your no. 3 round brush or the no. 4 filbert for applying paint to all candy.
Red sections on all candy canes, bands, and hard candies are Burgundy. Add a little Paynes Grey to dirty brush for shade color. Reload in Burgundy and pick up some Napthol Crimson. Start to build highlight in center of each section. Add more Napthol Crimson+Orange (1:tch) to build highlight.
Hint: I used the center of the plate as the light source so shadows are more toward the rim of the plate; however, the candy canes are shaded on both sides to create roundness. On the ribbon candy, think of what is next to or underneath and that is where the shade color goes.
Green sections on hard candies are basecoated in Pine Green. Add Paynes Grey to create shade color and shade wherever candy is next to or under another candy. Clean brush and reload in Pine Green adding a touch of Yellow Light to highlight as pictured.
White sections are basecoated with Warm White. Add Titanium White to dirty brush to start building highlight. Add more Titanium White for final highlight. To shade any white area, use Nimbus Grey thinned with water.
On ribbon and hard candy, using the no. 1 short liner brush, stripe with Napthol Crimson.
Using a small filbert or angular brush, paint the candy wrappers with Titanium White thinned with water or Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium. Wash over the candies, letting the streaks show. The twisted ends of the wrappers are a less transparent white. Thin Titanium White with water to create a sheer effect. Shade with Nimbus Grey and linework done in Paynes Grey to show gathering lines and layers at the ends.
Hint: Dress brush first in Jo Sonya's Clear Glaze Medium then sideload in the Titanium White. Brush blend on palette to thin the paint. If it is not sheer enough, add more glaze medium or water to the brush but try to keep paint as a sideload.
Using the no. 4 filbert with Jo Sonja’s Retarder Medium in the brush, load with Warm White and follow the shape of the flag, stroking a thin layer of color over the entire flag. Reload with more Warm White and start to build highlight where the flag curves, and then again as it comes out of the dip and moves to the pole. Add small amount of Titanium White and build highlight, but try to maintain the gray areas for shadow and dimension. You can float back the shadow if needed using Nimbus Grey+Paynes Grey (1:tch).
Lettering on the flag is Napthol Crimson+Burgundy (1:tch) using the short liner. Shadow line is thinned Paynes Grey.
Flag pole is Yellow Oxide shaded with a short liner brush using Yellow Oxide+Gold Oxide (1:tch). Highlight top and through the middle with Yellow Light.
With the no. 8 filbert or 3⁄8" angular brush paint the area next to the center bead on the plate with Yellow Oxide. Treat this as a sidedload so the paint fades away from the rim.
Again, building highlights with Titanium White, keep the white to the center of the cup and outer edges of saucer. Strengthen shadow areas with Nimbus Grey+Paynes Grey (1:tch).
Packet #245A
10” Round Hallingdal Tine - $8.00
Packet #186 Telemark Spice Cabinet $10.00
Gayle’s Art Enterprises
Gayle Oram, (541)844-5519
DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2016 69