Page 72 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2016
P. 72

 Load this color in a liner brush to line the bottom edge of saucer and inside of cup handle. Inside of cup is dabs of Paynes Grey with peppermint leaves painted Pine Green and candy canes Napthol Crimson and Titanium White. Not a lot of detail here as these items are really small.
Basecoat in Pine Green. Add some Paynes Grey to dirty brush and use this as the shade color and to paint veins through center of each leaf. Reload in Pine Green and add Yellow Oxide. Start pulling leaf edges from the outside into the vein line using the no. 3 round brush and let the color dissipate as you get to the center. Add Yellow Light and continue to highlight and build up the smaller leaves in the center.
Flesh is Gold Oxide, adding Titanium White to get a medium value color. Add more Gold Oxide for shade and more Titanium White to highlight. With shade color in a liner brush, sketch in the facial features, shade under the chin, backs of arms and legs; pull the brush through the paint to make the fingers. Add Titanium White and start highlight on the face, going across the brow and bridge of nose, tops of cheeks and chin; pull the brush through the paint to make the eyelids. Separate fingers and highlight the tops of the arms, front of the neck and legs. Add more Titanium White to dirty brush and continue to build high- light but doing a smaller area. Eyes are dots of Sapphire with a Paynes Grey lash line using the liner brush. Lips are Burgundy+Napthol Crimson+Gold Oxide
(1:1:tch). Add more water to this mix and glaze into highlighted cheek areas. Hair is Yellow Oxide that has been thinned slightly with wa- ter to make a light application using the no. 4 filbert brush. Shade with thinned Gold Oxide and dab into shade areas. Highlight with Yellow Oxide+Titanium White (1:1) and thin with water using the dabbing application. Hint: Dabbing is simply done using a small filbert or scruffy brush and gently pounc- ing up and down in the area you want to color. The paint is best thinned first with water and you do all three steps of basecoating, shading and high- lighting simultaneously, so the colors will slightly merge and
you won’t have a harsh line.
The wings and fairy dress are a sheer application of color using the no. 4 filbert or round brush and Titanium White with lots of water or Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium. You want to see the legs through the filaments of their gar- ments. Shade the clothes with a brush mix of Nim- bus Grey+Paynes Grey (1:1)
 70 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2016

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