Page 28 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 28

Reestablish the design lines with the white charcoal pencil. Add the feather lines at this time. Don’t be afraid to add lines that the mat will hide. On the shaft of the feath- ers, using a light touch, add another layer of the white pen- cil where you want it whiter.
Remove the paper from Bluish Gray 727.7 and Ultra- marine Blue Deep 506.9. Run the round edges of the pas- tels across the sandpaper to uniformly flatten them. Wipe them on the towel. With a soft, circular motion, cover the body with Ultramarine Blue Deep 506.9. Use an exception-
ally light touch on the outside areas where the white will be added. In the areas where you see the darker colors on the body, use Bluish Gray 727.7, also in a circular motion (Step 3). Go back and forth with each color until you’re pleased with the shading. Remember, thin layers work best.
With the White NuPastel stick, add the white area along the head, chest, and back. Also thicken some of the back feathers on the back of the egret. Sharpen the end of the NuPastel on the sandpaper. Use the sharp edge to go over some of the thicker shafts of the feathers (Step 4). You’ll add white soft pastel later.
Design is 50% of original. Enlarge 200% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps
to a #10 SASE and send to: The Decorative Painter Attn: GREAT WHITE EGRET ISSUE 1 - 2015
393 N. McLean Blvd. Wichita, KS 67203-5968. Allow four weeks for delivery.
  artist’s sketch
          Carole Sheftic is an artist and published author of an instructional book on acrylic canvas painting, with forty- plus years of instructional experience, as well as a lifetime of painting experience. Before moving to Florida, Carole and her husband owned Carole’s Craft Corner in western Pennsylvania for twenty years. She shared with her students the joys of oil, acrylic, and watercolor painting. She currently teaches out of her studio two days a week and for SDP chapters in the area.
You may write to Carole at Visit her website at
    26 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2015

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