Page 49 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2015
P. 49
tional flowers are much smaller than the first. The other changes are as follows.
BRANCH: Paint the branch with thinned Burnt Um- ber on the script liner; twist and bend it to your liking. Note that it runs behind the flowers. Lightly highlight the branch here and there with very light White.
LEAVES: Add the leaves with Pine Green+tch Black, and accent with White veins. Outline one side of each leaf with a White stroke, and outline the other half with a Gold stroke.
Embellish this ball with White dots.
LEAVES AND BERRIES: Using the no. 3 or no. 5 round and thinned Pine Green, paint the holly leaves. Group the leaves together, creating as many as you would like. Over- stroke the perimeter of each leaf with White on the liner brush. Allow this to dry completely. Apply berry dots of Naphthol Red Light with the end of a brush handle or a toothpick. Let this dry completely before moving on. BOW: After the holly and berries have dried completely, paint the bow with Red Violet+White.
The White comma-stroke embellishments around the bough are adorned with Naphthol Red Light berries here and there.
PETALS: Using Ultramarine Blue on the no. 3 or no. 5 round, paint the tulip leaves as shown. After these are dry, apply White and Ultramarine Blue S-strokes to each flow- er, starting on the outside edge of the petal.
LEAVES AND STEMS: The tulips’ leaves and stems are Pine Green. Create the leaves with curved comma-strokes. Each has a light highlight of White. Each stem is topped with two small strokes of Pine Green (one on top of the oth- er). This serves as the base for each blossom.
Add embellishing dots around the design with White on the end of a brush handle or a toothpick.
Add the chrysanthemums on the glass ornaments fol- lowing the same steps that were used for those on the wine glasses; the only difference will be the colors for the yellow chrysanthemum.
The yellow chrysanthemum is painted with a brush- mix of Yellow Oxide+Hansa Yellow+tch White. After this is dry, highlight it with the same mix, adding in a bit more White. The shadow on the bottom left of the bowl is Burnt Umber, and the top horizontal comma-stroke is Gold+White.
Use White and/or Gold for the comma-stroke and dot embellishments around the design.
You will bake the wine glasses in your home oven, but first allow them to dry overnight. Place the glasses in the oven, and then turn it on to 325°F. Begin the 45-minute timer only when the oven has preheated to 325°F. After 45 minutes, turn the oven off, allowing the glasses to cool for 2 hours before opening the oven. This will prevent thermal shock. The ornaments can be further decorated by tying ribbons of your choice to the tops.
I suggest that you do not wash the wine glasses in the dishwasher. The paint brands confirm that they are dish- washer-safe, and it is my experience that this is true; how- ever, I consider hand-painted items and fine china trea- sures and so I do not put them in the dishwasher.
Your glasses and ornaments are now ready to use. Enjoy!
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2015 47