Page 60 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2015
P. 60
the eyes with Lamp Black and the snout with Traditional Burnt Umber. Sideload the no. 10 shader with Traditional Burnt Umber and float shades over the bear, inside the ears, and around the snout, eyes, and mouth. Let dry. Basecoat the ribbon with Moon Yellow. Draw the arrows using white chalk.
STEP 2: Add Warm White dots to the ribbon using the brush handle or a sty- lus. Let dry. Float shades of Cocoa using the no. 10 shader. Dilute Cocoa with a few drops of DecoArt Americana Drying Time Extender and water. Using the wisp brush and the diluted Cocoa, apply the first layer of fur to the ears, head, and snout. Refer to the arrows for the direction of the fur growth. Add another layer of fur using the same color.
STEP 3: Intensify the shades of the ribbon with Cocoa (see left side of step). Add a second shade with Cocoa+Camel (2:1) (see right side of step). Add a layer of fur with diluted Camel using the wisp brush.
STEP 4: Float Warm White highlights on the ribbon using the no. 10 shader (see left side of step). Using the wisp brush (see right side of step), add a layer of first lights to the fur with Camel+Buttermilk (1:1). Add a few final lights of Buttermilk to the fur. If necessary, float shades around the eyes and snout again with Traditional Burnt Umber.
Repaint the eyes with Lamp Black. Add the lashes with well-diluted Lamp Black using the no. 3/0 liner. Use the no. 6 shader to float a half-moon on the lower side of each eye with Warm White. Dry-brush a precise point of light in the center of each eye with Warm White and the no. 2 round. Use the no. 1 liner to add an even smaller dot of Warm White. Load the no. 3/0 liner with thinned Cocoa and paint the eyebrows (see Step 4 of Step-by-Step).
Repaint the snout with Traditional Burnt Umber. Load the side of the no. 6 shader with Lamp Black, then add shades in the shape of a V. Dry-brush the center of the snout with Warm White. Add a dot of light with Warm White.
Float the mouth with Burnt Umber. Paint the mouth again using the no. 0 liner and Traditional Burnt Umber.
Load the deerfoot stippler with Blush Flesh, then tap the brush onto a paper towel to remove excess paint. Apply a soft blush to the cheeks with a circular motion.
Double-load the no. 6 shader with Hauser Light Green and Midnite Green. Stroke the brush on a wet palette to achieve a nice color transition. Paint each leaf starting at the left base, moving up to the tip, then moving down to the right base. Reload your brush with paint as necessary. Paint each center vein using the no. 0 liner and thinned Hauser Light Green.