Page 19 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 19
2018 Election
As a member of SDP, you have a right to participate in the selection of your leaders. Take part in this democratic process and exercise your voting power. You no longer need to request an absentee ballot. In order to make the voting process easier for those who cannot attend the 2018 SDP Annual Meeting, May 10, 2018 (or for those wishing to vote in advance), the ballot is now posted in The Decorative Painter magazine, and in the Members Only section of the SDP website at This year’s official ballot appears below, and the voting process is simple.
STEP 1: Read the nominee bios and Q&As on previous page or go online to familiarize yourself with the candidates and their platforms.
STEP 2: Photocopy the ballot, print the ballot from the website, or tear out this page.
STEP 3: Mark your choices on the ballot.
STEP4: Insertyourballotinanenvelopeandmailto:SDP: Absentee Ballot, 1212 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Note: You MUST write your SDP membership number on the outside of the envelope to have your vote count.
STEP5: MailyourballotbyMarch28,2018.Allballotsmust be postmarked no later than March 28, 2018, to count.
In recent years, the Nominating Committee has had difficulty obtaining qualified candidates to serve on the Board of Directors. Despite the reluctance of new people to serve on the Board, there is a high percentage of current Board members who are seeking re-election, eager to continue working together for a stronger and more vibrant Society.
• Each candidate meets the following qualifications and is willing to serve as required.
• Each nominee is a member in good standing for the last three (3) consecutive years.
• The nominee for Vice President/President Elect is required to have previously served on the Board of Directors.
• Duties and responsibilities for each office are explained
in the SDP Bylaws, which are listed on the website (, in the “ABOUT” section of the drop down menu).
• All Board members are required to attend monthly Board meetings, conference calls, and the Annual Meeting. Board members serve on committees as Board liaisons, as well.
• If you are attending the 2018 SDP Annual Meeting, show your membership card at the entrance to the meeting hall. The meeting will take place from 9 a.m. to noon, Thursday, May 10, 2018, Room 104 A & B, at Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, Florida. Ballot distribution will begin at 8 a.m.
• If you are not able to attend the meeting, or if you wish to vote in advance, simply fill out and send in the ballot below. Please follow all instructions to make sure your vote counts.
• Vote for the following: 2018-2019 vice president/ president-elect; one 2018-2019 treasurer; three 2018- 2019 board members-at-large; and three 2018-2019 nominating committee members.
Attach correct postage.
Membership number must be written on the outside of your envelope.
We want to thank everyone who has volunteered to run for a position. If you are interested in nominating someone from the floor at the 2018 Annual Meeting at the 46th Annual SDP International Conference & Expo in Daytona Beach this May, or making a write-in, please verify that the candidate meets the necessary qualifications and obtain the nominee’s consent to be nominated prior to the Annual Meeting.
You should consider running in the future. It is a great way to build new friendships, learn how your Society works and make
a difference. If not for a Board position, consider serving on a committee. Contact Linda Sharp, Vice President/President Elect at if you are interested in serving on a committee. A list of committees is on the SDP website.
I wish to thank the members of the 2017 Nominating Committee for their service: Sue Bowers, Linda Biedermann tda, Jeannie Miller, Debbie Cole cda, and Kaye Singer.
Toni Hoffer
Nominating Committee Chair
SDP Absentee Ballot 1220 E. First St. Wichita, KS 67214-3907
Absentee Ballot
Membership No.:_____________
Only one ballot per member is allowed. Photocopied ballots will be accepted. Membership number must be written on the outside of your envelope. Attach correct postage.
o Allison Leeds
o Pat Marler
o Marge Thompson o__________ (write in)
o Linda Chaffee
o Susan Herr
o Joyce Holmes
o __________________ (write in)
o Vicki Alley
o Marilyn Corners mda o Susan S. Mynyk tda
The Decorative Painter
• SPRING 2018 17