Page 55 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 55
Transfer the simple outline of the large roof and large section of the beach house with graphite paper (leave the rest of the detail for later). Basecoat the blue siding with Sky Blue and let dry. Damp-drybrush highlights down the left side of each section of siding using a no. 10 oval dry- brush and Island Sand+Clear Glazing Medium (1:1). Lightly stroke the color over the siding. The shading to separate each board will be done later with the colored pencils. Then use a no. 10 flat brush and Aqua+Clear Glazing Medium to float a tint of color under each roof and randomly over the siding. Transfer the remaining detail of the house and ad- ditional elements with graphite paper. Basecoat each roof, wood porch, and the piling posts with Provincial Beige. Basecoat the yellow float, flag, and door with Yellow Oxide, the decorative porch posts, shelf on door, and life ring with Warm White, and the red float and red sections of the life ring with Gold Oxide. Basecoat the oars hanging on the side of the house with Husk, the door window and door knob with Raw Umber, and the whale weather vane with the Dark Gray Mix. Use a no. 6 oval drybrush to damp-dry- brush highlights on each roof and porch with Husk. Then stroke and damp-drybrush texture down the piling posts with Raw Umber. Use the Gray Mix to damp-drybrush a highlight on the whale weather vane, door window, and add a few highlight strokes to the pilings. Use a no. 3 round brush to damp-drybrush highlights on the folds of each of the red sections of the life ring with the Light Gold Oxide Mix. Use the no. 3 round brush to stroke the ropes around the pilings and the stripes on the red float with Warm White. Stroke the stripe on the yellow float with Gold Oxide.
STEP 1: Transfer the main design outlines of the pail, paint tubes, and brushes with graphite paper. Basecoat the pail with Gold Oxide, the paint tubes with Warm White, the blue brush handles with the Dark Blue Mix, the metal brush ferrules with Gray Mix, and the brush bristles and paint tube caps with Raw Umber. Transfer the remaining details and basecoat the labels on the paint tubes from left to right with Moss Green, Yellow Oxide, Sky Blue, and Husk. Then basecoat the metal part of the pail handle with the Grey Mix, and the wood part of the handle with Provincial Beige. STEP 2: With a touch of Warm White added to the Grey Mix and both the no. 6 oval drybrush and a no. 1 round brush, damp-drybrush highlights down the metal brush ferrules and the metal pail handle. Then damp-drybrush highlights on each brush handle with a touch of Pacific Blue added to the Dark Blue Mix. Add a bit of Warm White to Moss Green and use the no. 6 oval drybrush to damp-drybrush highlights on the green tube label. Add a bit of Warm White to Sky Blue and damp-drybrush the
blue label. Damp-drybrush highlights on the yellow label with the Light Yellow Oxide Mix, and use Husk to damp- drybrush highlights on the tan label. Use a no. 1 round brush and Provincial Beige to stroke highlights on the paint tube caps. Use the no. 6 oval drybrush and Husk to damp-drybrush highlights on the wood part of the pail handle. Use the no. 3 round brush and no. 10 oval dry- brush to drybrush the highlights on the main area of the pail, the top and bottom rim, and the handle area with the Light Gold Oxide Mix. Before adding the colored pen- cil details, very lightly sand the basecoat to remove any burrs. Then touch up the basecoat where needed.
Now it’s time to put your acrylic painting supplies aside and pull out your colored pencils. Refer to the shading guide and photos for help in placement of the colors. Shad- ing with a colored pencil is similar to the look of “floating” done with acrylic paint. The shaded areas have three values which are compact and bleed into each other (dark, me- dium, light). To achieve a darker value, apply a bit more pressure. Then use a small circular motion for a medium value and a very light feather touch to achieve the lightest value. It’s so important to always keep your pencils sharp, otherwise the details in your work will suffer. When lin- ing, make sure your pencil is nice and sharp and your lines are thin. If the pencil doesn’t take in an area, erase what is on the piece and then either lightly wash the area with the basecoat color or lightly sand the area to create more tooth.
Line along the top and bottom areas of the ocean with the Warm Grey 50% pencil. Then lightly shade above and at the bottom of the ocean – up to the lines causing the lines to disappear into the shading. Using the Sienna Brown pencil, line around the fence, the sides of the win- dow frame and sill and above the shelf (at the bottom of the board). With the same pencil, lightly line and shade the grain on the fence, window frame, and sill. Lightly shade the sky, ocean, and sand areas up to the window and around the fence. Use the Sienna Brown pencil to shade the blue wall up to window frame and sill, the sides of the board, and around all the elements that have the blue wall in the background. Using the Dark Umber pen- cil, repeat and deepen the shading in the darkest areas previously shaded. Look to the main photo and shading guide to spot the darkest areas of shading. Especially con- centrate shading under the sill and around the window frame. Use the Black pencil and a light touch to further deepen some of the darkest areas of shading on the fence
The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018 53