Page 56 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
P. 56
and around the window frame and sill. Then line the wire wrapped around the fence. The remaining detail is added with paint at the end in the “Finishing Touches” section.
Use the Sienna Brown pencil to lightly line around the boat and the sails. Also, line around each of the stripes on the sails and the stripe on the boat. Softly add shading to the edges and stripes of each sail and the rope sections. Then shade the boat area up against the beach house.
Use the Kelp Green pencil to shade the edges of the green stripes on the left sail and the edges of the boat. Now use the Dark Umber pencil to line and shade the flag and repeat some of the lining and shading on the rope and sails. Also carefully line the stitching on both sails. Use Warm Grey 50% pencil to line and shade the post and rings on the sailboat and the sections of the pedestal. Next, carefully use the Black pencil to repeat some of the lining and shading on the flag, ropes, and post and rings. Also, line around the pedestal shade each section of the pedestal (every other section is darker). Make sure to create dark contrast up against the starfish and other elements. Shade the post and rings and pedestal also with the Black pencil. The remaining detail is added with paint at the end in the “Finishing Touches” section.
Use the Sienna Brown pencil to lightly line around the starfish and each of the books. Also, shade the darker areas of the starfish and each book. Deepen some of the line work and the shaded areas using the Dark Umber pencil. Then use the Black pencil to carefully and ran- domly line around the starfish and books in the darkest areas. The remaining detail is added with paint at the end in the “Finishing Touches” section.
Line around and shade all the elements of the beach house with the Sienna Brown pencil (roofs, life ring, oars, siding, door, window, porch posts, piling posts, rope, floats, etc.). Make sure to line and shade the wood grain on the various wood elements. Use the Warm Grey 50% pencil to line and shade the whale weather vane and re- peat the shading on the siding and under each roof on the beach house. Return with the Dark Umber pencil to deepen and clarify some of the linework and shading in the darkest areas of the beach house and various elements. Adding another layer, carefully use the Black pencil to further deepen and clarify the whale weather vane and various elements of the beach house. Use the Black pencil sparingly here and there. It would be a bit much to line
and shade everything. You are adding to the darkest areas to clarify the design. The remaining detail is added in the “Finishing Touches” section.
Refer to the Step-by-Step on page 51 for reference in placing of the colors.
STEP 3: Use the Sienna Brown pencil to carefully line around the brushes, paint tubes, pail and details. Also, apply shading to the brushes, paint tubes, pail, handle, and details (avoid the label on the green tube).
STEP 4: Use the Dark Umber pencil to add another layer of shading to the various elements and repeat some of the lining in the darkest areas (lightly shade only the blue label).
STEP 5: Shade the green label with the Kelp Green pencil. Blend over the metal ferrules, blue label, and blue brush handles with the Warm Grey 50% pencil. Use the Black pencil to line and shade the darkest areas. The remaining details are added with paint at the end in the “Finishing Touches” section.
To add the last bit of detail to the design, switch back to your brushes and paint palette. Use the Jo Sonja Flow Medium to help the paint flow when lining and making dots. Carefully look over your piece and erase any stray graphite lines (be careful not to erase your colored pencil work). Brush clean. You’ll need to set your work before adding the painted details. Take your piece outside and prop it up vertically. Spray several light coats of Prisma- color Fixative in different directions over the design. This important step will give you the ability to easily clean up any painted mistakes and prevent smearing. Let dry. Use Carbon Black and a liner brush to line the hangers and the posts on each float. Then use a stylus to dot the whale’s eye and doorknob. Add a touch of Warm White to the Grey Mix and use a liner brush to stroke the small high- light under the whale’s eye and add bright highlights to the whale, round ball on the weathervane, rings on boat, and the pedestal. Then use Warm White to dot the whale’s eye and stroke a highlight on the weather vane ball. Ran- domly dot the starfish with Island Sand. Once dry, add brighter dots of Warm White to the center of the starfish and randomly over the starfish. Use a no. 3 round brush and Warm White to stroke damp-drybrushed highlights on the all the rope sections throughout the design, also highlight the white areas of the life ring, the window frame and sill, porch posts, shelf on door, fence posts, brush fer- rules, paint tube caps, white areas of paint tubes, and the pail handle. Damp-drybrush and brighten the white ar- eas of the sails using the no. 6 oval drybrush and Island
54 The Decorative Painter • SPRING 2018