Page 57 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2018
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Sand. Use a liner brush to line the book title, “Meet Me at the Beach” with Husk, the “Pharma-Sea” title with Warm White, and the “Seas the Day” title with Norwegian Orange (also add a dot to the end of the yellow book title). If need- ed, stroke brighter highlights on the raised areas of the book binding (Light Gold Oxide Mix to the red book, Husk to the brown book, and Light Yellow Oxide Mix to the yel- low book). You can also brighten any other elements of the design as needed. Just damp-drybrush the elements or the area with the matching brighter color.
If you’ve bought the matching frame, you can paint
and decorate it with any dominante color from the de- sign. You can also repeat some of the elements of the design and use them on the frame (brushes, paint tubes, sand, etc.). Make sure to use fixative over your frame before adding splatter. Once everything is painted, use Raw Umber and stiff toothbrush to splatter your piece. Remove any unwanted splatter with a damp cotton swab. Use wood glue to carefully glue the frame to the board. Let glue set. Once dry, you can apply four light coats of Jo Sonja's Matte Varnish. Let each coat dry before adding another. The BEACH is calling!
artist’s sketch
Erika Joanne has been a member of SDP since 1999 and is the 2018 SDP Conference Artist. Her design work
encompasses a wide range of styles and subject matter, from lifelike realism to the whimsical and purely imagina-
tive. Erika’s Innovative PencilTM line of design packets successfully combines colored pencil and acrylic paint with
unique results. You can also find her fanciful acrylic nutcrackers designs on her website at:
She recently started a Certified Teaching Program (CETiP - Certified Erika Joanne Teacher of Innovative PencilTM).
She currently has three teachers from different areas in the US who are ready to teach you her techniques. Erika
travel teaches at chapters and exhibits at various painting conventions around the country. When you visit her
website, be sure to sign-up for her newsletter to receive updates and special offers. You may contact Erika by email: erika@erikajoanne. com, phone: 360-769-8870, or by mail: Erika Joanne Designs, PO Box 630, Manchester, WA 98353.
Designs are 40% of original. Enlarge 250% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps
to a #10 SASE and send to: The Decorative Painter Attn: BEACHSIDE VIEW SPRING - 2018
1220 E. First St. Wichita, KS 67214-3907. Allow four weeks for delivery.
The Decorative Painter
• SPRING 2018 55