Page 11 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
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Society Update
Each year, the SDP Foundation provides scholarships to individuals or chapters for use in a variety of ways, such as education and community outreach. At the 42nd Annual Meeting, held in San Diego, Calif., in May, three scholarships were awarded.
■ Neva Anderson of Carlsbad, Calif., used her scholarship to offset her expenses, including registration and classes, while attending the 2014 SDP International Conference and Expo in San Diego, Calif.
■ Barbara D. Gowen-Lay of Wichita, Kan. was recently asked to teach oil painting classes at a local gift shop.
The International Museum of the Society of Decorative Painters continues to expand and develop. Following the successful crowd-funding last year, we have completely inventoried and cataloged the entire collection, and selections are now available for viewing online.
Sue Bowers, past president of SDP, spearheaded the drive at the 2013 SDP Conference. Her efforts were invaluable to the cause. There are so many people
to thank for making this program possible:
PLATInum SPOnSORS: Maxine Wallisch and
Jean Shoemaker
GOLD SPOnSORS: Buffalo Snowbirds Decorative Painters, Genesee Country Decorative Painters, Grapevine Tolers, and The Village Painters
SILvER SPOnSORS: Karen Close, Decorative Artists of Texas, Karen Emberton, Maria F. Romero, and
Lisa Wilson
BROnZE SPOnSORS: Doris T. Akers, Cheryl R. Banwarth, Elizabeth Becker, Linda Biedermann tda, Mary (Bobbie) Campbell cda, Betsy Edwards, Kimberlee A. Falk, Sandi Gillespie, Antonia M. Girten, Gypsy Tolers, Mary Jayne Halkey, Heart of Pinellas Decorative Artists, Idaho Chapter of Heritage Artists, Julie Kelley, Bernadette Koop, Ann Lankford, Carolyn Martchenke, Jan and
Phil McCleery, B.J. McCleery, Elnora McDaniel, Mid- South Decorative Artists, Akemi Nakano cda, Arlene F. Nesbitt, Northern California Decorative Artists, Penn’s Woods Painters, Susan A. Phillips, Hilary M. Richards, Linda L. Sharp cda, Bernice Short, Southern California Decorative Painters, Mary Ann Spainhour, Wendy M. Watson, White Mountain Decorative Painters’ Guild,
and Doris J. Young
She is applying her scholarship to the purchase of brushes and surfaces for students in these beginner classes.
■ Sandra J. Schmidt of Sanborn, N.Y., will be attending a Design and Color seminar with Bobbie Takashima in California. Her goal is to increase her knowledge of design and color to help her become a better teacher.
All SDP members and chapters in good standing are eligible to apply for SDP Foundation scholarships. The deadline for application is March 1, 2015.
To apply, fill out the application found at
Heidi Allison, Paula M. Atkinson, Gail K. Barton, Margaret M. Bjornson, Cheryl Ann Branin,
Patricia Burnham,
Wyonia Castro,
Leslie Cates,
Anita Clark,
Dusti Dancer,
Viola daSilva,
Judith Derby,
Sherrill Dooley, Diana
L. Dorsey, Roberta Draves,
Heather Dambmann, Hiliary H. Felinski, C.J. Secrist Foster, Eddie Jo Herbst, Susan Herr, Linda Irmen, Lake Country Decorative Painters, Pauline H. Lambert, Bette League, Allison M. Leeds, Yvonne Lowrie, Leah Luper, Jan McCleery, Katy Ann McCleery, Middle Atlantic States Chapter Council, Ann Morrison, Mary Elizabeth Newhouse, Patricia A. Parker, Judith Pino, Judith Reynolds, Ellen Rohne, Pat Schneider, Donna Singer, Kaye Singer, Sooner Decorative Artists, Marica J. Spell, Beth Stodieck, Winifred M. Sutton, Janice Timmins, Pamela J. Vandaveer, Dorothy Whisenhunt, Wildflowers of Texoma Decorative Artists, and
Debra L. Williams
So many more SDP members and non-members gave
anonymously—we thank you all.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 9
I❤ International
of the Society of Decorative