Page 31 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 31
Basecoat the iris of the eye with Sapphire+White Wash (3:1). Base the pupils with Lamp Black. Basecoat the white of the eye with White Wash on both sides of the iris. Outline the top of the eye with Lamp Black and add short lashes. Sideload Lamp Black onto the 1⁄4" angle and float on the eyeball, across the top of the eye. This sets the eye into the face. Add final highlights in the eyes at the three o’clock position with the tip of the liner handle and White Wash.
Basecoat the inside of the lip with Antique Maroon. Add a tint of Naphthol Red and a highlight of White Wash. Using the liner with White Wash, form the beard, hair, and mustache. Sideload with Winter Blue and add a float to the hair next to the fur at the top to divide the hair from the beard. Add a touch of highlight under the nose to divide the mustache from the beard. Add tints of Lavender to the beard.
Stipple the fur using the 1⁄4" deerfoot stippler with Honey Brown. Allow to dry. Add a second layer of Taffy Cream and a third of White Wash. Allow the colors to show through. Use the liner with water-thinned White Wash to add little fur marks on both sides of the fur. Make sure these crisscross and alternate in length.
Basecoat the bird with Santa Red. Highlight with Tangelo Orange followed by Cad- mium Yellow. Sideload with Antique Maroon, and separate the wings and the feathers. Use a liner to paint the Lamp Black mask and eye, and to add a float on the beak. Place a tiny White Wash highlight in the eye.
To create the vertical stripes around the perimeter of the box, place an approximately 3⁄4" wide vertical strip of painter’s tape every 2 inches. Follow this by an approximately 3⁄4" wide untaped vertical line. Follow the untaped strip by another approximately 3⁄4" wide vertical strip of painter’s tape. Repeat this process until the entire perimeter is cov- ered. Stipple the two-inch green area first with Hauser Dark Green, then Leaf Green, and finally a small amount of Citron Green.
The untaped strips are Emper-
or’s Gold. When the paint
is dry, gently remove the
tape. The letters are ap-
plied with Emperor’s
Gold, and are outlined
with Naphthol Red.
Allow all paint to dry. Varnish with at least three coats of DecoArt DuraClear Gloss Varnish. Allow the piece to dry com- pletely. Enjoy!
The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 29