Page 43 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 43

Shade each section of the jack-o’-lantern and the small pumpkin on the broomstick with Dark Goldenrod us- ing the appropriate filbert. Repeat the shade. Add a third shade with Burnt Umber. Highlight with Old Parchment. Shade the stem of the jack-o’-lantern with Avocado, then with Burnt Umber. Add the eyes and mouth with Dark Chocolate. Add the nose with Red Iron Oxide. Highlight the nose with AC Flesh. Add additional highlights on the center of each segment with Light Ivory.
Shade the broomstick with Ivory using the no. 10/0 liner. Add the tuft under the small pumpkin with lines of AC Flesh. Basecoat the bristles (branches) of the broom with AC Flesh. Shade with Burnt Umber. Basecoat the stars with AC Flesh. Add dots to the stars with Red Iron Oxide and Light Ivory.
Shade the cat and the cat’s ears with AC Flesh+Dark Chocolate on both sides and around the lower face. Add a second shade with Soft Black. Shade the area under the cat’s ears with Burnt Umber. Highlight with Ivory+AC Flesh us- ing the no. 10/0 liner. Using the liner, add the eyes, mouth, and whiskers with AC Flesh and nose with Red Iron Oxide. Using the no. 6 filbert, shade the hat with Raw Sienna. Add a second shade of Burnt Umber. Highlight the center of
  Shade both sides and the bottom of the stem of the summer squash with Georgia Clay+Avocado using the no. 4 flat. Follow with a shade of Dark Chocolate. Highlight with AC Flesh.
the hat with AC Flesh+Ivory using the no. 6 filbert. Using the no. 10/0 liner, add the crosshatches with Burnt Umber. Line the tuft on the top of the hat with AC Flesh.
Line the candy swirls using the no. 10/0 liner with Red Iron Oxide. Using the no. 4 flat, shade the swirls with Red Iron Oxide. Add a second shade with Candy Bar Brown. Highlight on the center of the swirls with Light Ivory. Shade the stick with Burnt Umber.
Add a wide shade with Dark Chocolate. Add a second shade with Soft Black. Highlight with Dark Chocolate+AC Flesh. Using the no. 10/0 liner with AC Flesh, add the eyes, mouth, hands, and tips with AC Flesh. Shade the stick with Burnt Umber. Add highlights to the tops of each wing with Light Ivory.
Add a soft shade to the folds within the cream with Mudstone. Add a second shade with Hippo Grey to add more definition to the folds. They should appear light and airy. Highlight the centers of each section with Ivory, and then strengthen with Light Ivory. Paint the eyes of the cream ghost with Dark Chocolate. Add chocolate drops throughout the cream with Red Iron Oxide and Goldenrod. Highlight the drops with Light Ivory.
Shade all leaves with Avocado. Add a second shade with Avocado+Red Iron Oxide. Highlight with Moss Green using the appropriate filbert. Add the leaf vein with Burnt Umber and AC Flesh using the liner. Add the rough outer
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 41

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