Page 44 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 44

 line around the leaf with AC Flesh. Add accents to the tips of random leaves with Red Iron Oxide+Avocado. Add the moth with Avocado+Red Iron Oxide. Add detail and shade to the moth with Burnt Umber.
Basecoat with AC Flesh. Shade with Burnt Umber. Add a second shade with Soft Black.
ORAnGE JELLYBEAnS: Shade with Dark Goldenrod. Add a second shade with Burnt Umber. Highlight with Roman Stucco+Ivory.
RED JELLYBEAnS: Shade with Red Iron
Oxide. Add an additional shade with Red Iron Oxide+Burnt Umber. High- light with Old Parchment+Ivory. Add a wash of clean water+Tomato Spice (2:1) to the jellybeans.
GREEn JELLYBEAnS: Shade with Av- ocado. Highlight with Light Timber- line Green+Ivory.
Add an additional highlight to each jellybean with Light Ivory.
Shade with Red Iron Oxide. Add a second shade with Candy Bar Brown. Highlight with Ivory using the no. 4 flat. Add a final highlight of Light Ivory to add shine to each.
Using the no. 10 flat with Burnt Umber, apply a shade to the glass. Enhance the shading with Dark Chocolate. Highlight with Ivory using the no. 8 filbert. Apply reflec- tive light with Light Ivory using the no. 4 flat.
Erase all visible tracing lines, and then apply two or three coats of water-based matte varnish following the manufac- turer’s instructions. Allow to dry between each coat. Enjoy your own pumpkin party to celebrate the season.
   artist’s sketch
       Art*Carol is a team of five Japanese painters. The group started in 2003 with a love of all things handmade. In 2006, they started designing painting packets. Their designs express characters that have stories to tell. Art*Carol teach throughout Japan and have written articles for Japanese painting maga- zines. This is their first international article. Visit their website at
              42 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014

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