Page 89 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 89

  the lever. Hot glue the center of the moustache just under the nose. Lastly, hot glue the smaller curls to the sides of the face and glue the larger curl (one on each side) to the middle of the small curls to form a triangle.
ARm FRInGE AnD FuR CuFFS: Cut two 1" x 31⁄4" (2.5 x 8.3cm) pieces of brown craft foam to wrap around each of the arms. Place a cut approximately every 1⁄8" (3mm) on the long edge, cutting up about 1⁄2" (1.3cm) and continue to create fringe. To create each cuff, cut two 2" x 31⁄2" (5.1 x 8.9cm) pieces of fur. Place each fur piece with the fuzzy side down, then fold up long sides to meet together on top; lightly hot glue in place. Carefully, hot glue the foam fringe pieces around each upper arm. Tie a hemp twine bow around each arm. Tie a knot at the ends and trim excess. Hot glue a fur cuff around each wrist with the ends meeting in back; trim off excess.
CHRISTmAS STOCKInG AnD BOOTS: Use the pat- tern as a guide to cut two stocking pieces from the tan felt. Cut a 21⁄2" x 8" (6.4 x 20.3) piece of fur trim for the stocking. In addition, cut a 21⁄2" x 9" (6.4 x 22.9cm) piece of fur trim for the top of the boots. Fold and lightly hot glue both the stocking and boot trim following the instructions above for creating the fur cuffs. Use red embroidery thread to stitch around the stocking with a blanket stitch. Hot glue the fur trim around the top of the stocking. Hot glue a hanger made from an inverted loop of hemp twine, to the inside of the stocking. Thread an end of the twine
hanger through the hole in the right hand and tie in place, finishing off with a bow. Hot glue the fur trim around the boots (ends of the fur should meet in front). Trim the fur ends at a slight angle in front so you can see the division line between the boots better.

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