Page 87 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 87
12 flat with Poppy to float shading along the top of each of the red stripes. Use a no. 0 liner with Burnt Umber to add a line down the middle of the pant legs (the rest of the dark lining will be done later).
FACE AnD HAnDS: Basecoat the face and hands with Mulled Rose. Transfer the details of the face using gray graphite paper. Basecoat the whites of the eyes with Un- bleached Titanium. Base the darks of the eyes with Burnt Umber. Use a no. 8 oval to dry-brush highlights on fore- head, nose, cheeks, and hands with Skin Tone Base. Re- peat and brighten the highlights with a layer of the Light Skin Mix. Using a no. 12 flat with Marigold, float shad- ing around the face, nose, eyes, and on the whites of the eyes. Gently mop to soften float line. Repeat and darken the shading just around the eyes and nose with a float of the Olive Branch Mix. Use a no. 8 filbert to float highlights in the darks of the eyes with Colony Blue. To soften the highlights at the top of the pupils, float shading along the top of the pupils with Burnt Umber. Use a no. 3 round to dry-brush and brighten the whites of the eyes with Warm White. Using a no. 12 flat with Warm White, float high- lights directly under the eyes. Lightly dry-brush the cheeks and float the tip of the nose with Poppy. Use a no. 1 short liner to line the eyes, lashes, and nose with Burnt Umber. Highlight each eye with a dot of Warm White.
TEETH AnD TOnGuE: Basecoat the gums (on face and le- ver) and the tongue on top of lever (end the tongue at the back of the nutcracker) with Poppy. Use a no. 12 flat to float shading in the gum area and down the middle of the tongue with Geranium. Gently mop. Transfer the teeth pattern with white graphite paper and basecoat with Unbleached Titanium. Use a no. 8 filbert to float shading on the teeth with Marigold. Float highlights with Warm White to brighten the teeth. Use a no. 6 oval to dry-brush highlights on each side of the tongue with Pink Mix. Paint the top of lever around the tongue with Burnt Umber. Use a no. 0 liner to line the crease on the tongue, line around the gums and teeth, and line across the neck with Burnt Umber.
HAT AnD CORD: Using a no. 8 oval, dry-brush the high- lights on the hat with Pink Mix. Transfer the decorative swirls with white graphite paper. Use a no. 0 script liner with Unbleached Titanium to stroke the swirls. Basecoat the larger macramé cord with Colony Blue and the smaller cord with Burnt Umber. Let dry.
Note: Normally the following details would be includ- ed in Finishing, but in order to paint the highlights, the macramé needs to be glued to the hat. With a small bead of glue, carefully hot glue the hat brim between the hat and forehead. Hot glue the large macramé cord around
the head and on top of the brim with the ends meeting in back of the hat. Trim excess and hot glue the ends to- gether. Hot glue the candy stick to the middle of the hat on top of the large macramé cord. Hot glue the smaller cord, starting at the side of the candy stick, and wrap around to the front of the other side of the candy stick. Trim excess and secure with hot glue.
Now that the cording is in place, use a no. 6 oval with Aqua to dry-brush highlights on the blue cord around the hat. Dry-brush Olive Branch on the brown cord. Keep the highlights bright in the middle of each section around the hat. Repeat and brighten the highlights on the blue cord with a layer of Light Aqua Mix, and the brown cord with a layer of Husk.
nuTCRACKER BASE, COAT, AnD ARmS: Basecoat the sides of the nutcracker base, main area of coat, lever, inside le- ver area, and arms with Colony Blue. Basecoat collar and bottom of coat with Husk. Use Marigold on a no. 12 flat to float shading on the collar and bottom of coat. Transfer the decorative swirls, heart, vine, and leaf pattern to coat. Basecoat the leaves with Green Oxide. Use a no. 3 round with Moss Green to stroke dry highlights on leaves. Repeat highlights on leaves with Light Green Mix. With a no. 1 short liner, line the vines around the coat with Burnt Um- ber. Use a stylus to dip-dot hearts on each collar and ber- ries on the vine with Poppy. Let dry.
Use Pink Mix to paint small hearts within the red hearts, as well as smaller highlight dots to berries. Use a no. 10 oval with Aqua to dry-brush highlights on scallops of coat, main area of coat, front of each arm, and on sides of the nutcracker base. Let dry. Repeat and brighten each of the highlights with a smaller dry-brushed layer of the Light Aqua Mix. Stroke the swirl design on the coat with a no. 1 short liner with Unbleached Titanium. Line the collar stitches, below the scallops, and along bottom of the coat with Burnt Umber.
BELT AnD BOOTS: Basecoat the skill stick and rest of belt around waist with Burnt Umber. Basecoat the boots with Olive Branch. Hot glue the wood skill stick to the front of the coat (refer to photos and pattern on page 83 for place- ment). Before dry-brushing, take note that the highlights on the middle of the boots are created with a swirled mo- tion of the brush, and the highlights on the soles of the boots and the belt are created by more defined back-and- forth motion. Use a no. 6 oval with Olive Branch to dry- brush highlights around the belt. Repeat and brighten the highlights with Husk. For the boots, use a no. 8 oval with Husk to dry-brush highlights on the main area of the boots and a no. 6 oval to dry-brush the soles. Repeat and brighten just the soles with a Light Brown Mix. Use a
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 3, 2014 85