Page 86 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2014
P. 86
84 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 3, 2014
Prepare a wet palette with the colors listed plus the following color mixes:
Pink Mix: Warm White+Poppy (5:1)
Light Green Mix: Moss Green+Warm White Light Aqua Mix: Aqua+Warm White
Light Brown Mix: Husk+Warm White (2:1) Light Skin Mix: Skin Tone Base+Warm White Olive Branch Mix: Olive Branch+Burnt Umber
When creating the candy stripes, use painter’s tape to tape off the edges of the stripes before painting or draw on the stripes using a clear ruler and sharp pencil. Refer to both the worksheet and the pat- tern for placement of the stripes and other important details.
When the instructions call for floating, make sure to use a mop brush to soften and blend the float. Between floats and some details, add a thin layer of Jo Sonja’s Glazing Medium and let dry. This step will set the paint so more detail can be added without pulling up your previous work.
CAnDY STICK AnD CAnE: Basecoat the candy stick and candy cane with Unbleached Titanium. Let dry. Tape off or draw on the stripes. Use a no. 4 flat to paint the wide red stripes with Poppy and the wide pink stripes with the Pink Mix. Use a no. 0 script liner to line the middle of each red stripe with the Pink Mix, and each pink stripe with Poppy. Use the Pink Mix on a no. 12 flat to float shading on the outer edge of each of the white stripes and gently mop. Line the middle of each of the white stripes with Warm White.
CAnDIES, BuTTOnS, AnD SHOuLDERS: Basecoat the peppermint candies (round disks) and peppermint shoulders with Unbleached Titanium. Basecoat the large wood button and the button cut into a half circle with the Pink Mix. Let dry; transfer the pattern guidelines. On the shoulders and peppermint candies, use a no. 3 round to paint the red sections with Poppy and line the pink stripes with the Pink Mix. Use the Pink Mix on a no. 12 flat to float shading on the outer edge of each of the white stripes. Use a no. 1 short liner with Warm White to add a fine line to the middle of the red stripes.
GREEn CAnDY STICK AnD nuTCRACKER BASE: Basecoat the top of the nutcracker base (the beveled edge) and the candy stick with Un- bleached Titanium. Let dry. Tape off or draw on the stripes. Using a no. 4 flat, paint the wide dark green stripes with Green Oxide and the wide light green stripes with Moss Green. Using a no. 12 flat with Moss Green, float shading along the edge of each of the white stripes. Use a no. 0 script liner to line the middle of each Moss Green stripe with the Light Green Mix.
PAnTS: Basecoat the pants area with Pink Mix. Let dry. Mask off or draw on the stripes; paint the red stripes with Poppy. Use a no. 0 script liner to line the middle of the pink stripes with Unbleached Titanium and the middle of the red stripes with Pink Mix. Use a no.