Page 78 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 78

 Join us for our Fourth Session of great projects by your favorite teachers!
We are also featuring our new “Oil Basics” videos for those who would like to learn oils and those who want to “brush up” on their oil painting skills. Join us at your convenience, in your own home, andenjoythebestseatintheclass!
Pat Parker • •
Product #1149-A
(Price $8.00 for paper packet; $6.00 for E-packet) Project was painted on 12” square masonite The pattern packet includes several pictures – step-by-step instructions, painting supplies, line drawings and general painting instructions.
Information is for intermediate to advanced painters.
This pattern is also available as
an E-packet as well as a paper packet.
Dorothy Whisenhunt, CDA (325)695-1549 •
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Tape Pattern 1 to the center of the cloth allowing for space at the top and bottom to glue molding pieces. Make sure your spoon is straight and centered! This is where a T-square can help. Transfer outside lines of the pattern only – no detail yet.
Basecoat the spoon with Neutral Grey. It’s O.K. for some of the texture from the background to show. Be aware that there are openings in the handle of the spoon. If you paint in the holes, repaint the openings with a brush mix of Pebble with a touch of Mississippi Mud. When dry, erase any graphite that may show on the edges. Touch up where needed with Pebble and/or Neutral Grey.
Transfer Pattern 2 with all of the details with gray graphite. Use a colored pen instead of a stylus. You will be able to see what you have done and what you have missed. Use a hard backing board if your table has too much give. Transfer lines should be just dark enough for you to see. If they are too dark, use a kneaded eraser to lighten the lines.
All shading and highlighting is done with colored pencils.
Tips: Keep your pencil sharp. Use light to medium pres- sure. If you press too hard, it will be difficult to add additional layers or blend colors. It is better to add additional layers than to press too hard.
STEP 1: Establish first shapes on the handle with Warm Grey 70%. Use linear strokes to go over graphite lines and soften the shaded side of the edges with light pressure and circular strokes. If you cannot see all the detail lines or they are confusing, don’t be afraid to make up your own detail! The design does not have to be the same on both sides, but should be balanced.
STEP 2: Strengthen shading on the left side and all deep V areas with Warm Grey 90%. Highlight right side of shapes with Warm Grey 30%. Refer to the Step-By-Step photos to help with place- ment. (Note: I did some of this highlighting and additional shad- ing on Step 1 photo to show the difference between the first step and the next steps.) Further strengthen the smaller, darkest ar- eas on the left with Black.
76 The Decorative Painter • WINTER 2017 DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG

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