Page 91 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2017
P. 91

The elf shoes are basecoated Raw Sienna. Float Burnt Umber on lower edge of each shoe and place a highlight of Yellow Ochre on top edge. Dots are Gold Glitter on tips of shoes.
Basecoat the elf ’s face, hands, and ears with Flesh Tone. Eyes are simple short lines of Burnt Umber plus a short line under nose. (See Step-by-Step 2 on page 87 for elf’s simple face features.)
Brush-mix with the angular shader brush a mix of Raw Sienna+Flesh Tone (1:1) for the shade color on face, ears and hands. Place color at chin, neck, lower ear, and hands at cuff area.
Cheeks are a brush-mix float of True Red+Warm White+Flesh Tone (1:1:1) placed just under the eyes and a speck in the ear.
Mouth is a line of the same mix on top for hint of lip.
Hair is wispy lines first of Burnt Umber then Raw Si- enna to highlight. Keep hair under the hat.
Using the liner brush, basecoat first rope squiggle lines with Dark Chocolate.
Line these lines with thin amounts of Yellow Ochre. Coat the rope after all lines are dry with Gold Glitter. NOTE: You might want to wait to add all the
Gold Glitter after you have finished the painting.
First complete the pattern on the surface for each of the pinecone petals. Using the no. 8 filbert brush, basecoat
with one coat of Raw Sienna.
Switch to a smaller no. 6 filbert
brush. The tip ends of the cone pet- als are basecoated with Cool Neutral. There are three shading colors to be floated with the 3⁄8" angular shader brush: Dark Chocolate, Burnt Umber, and Raw Umber.
Float Dark Chocolate just above the tips of each petal. (See Step-by-Step 2 on page 87.) Float also up into the petal attaching areas all over the cone and sep- arate each cone petal.
Then use deeper shading colors (Burnt Umber then Traditional Raw Umber) to cre-
ate depth for the cone by floating up under each cone petal. Use the deepest colors mostly in the V-areas. (See Step-by-Step 3 on page 87.)
(Refer to photo on page 88.)
Place lines on front surface for pines. Paint pines as previously instructed.
Float the highlight around the bough lines loosely with Hauser Light Green.
Berries are first dots of Deep Burgundy with thin lines of Dark Chocolate attaching them to edge. When dry, add smaller dot of True Red on top. Finally, with stylus, add tiny dot of Gold Glitter.
For the handle, securely wrap Blue Painter’s tape around the dowel handle at an angle to create a space to paint an even line all the way down the handle. Paint this space with True Red. Dry and remove the tape.
There are checks around the outside of the Snowflake. Using the no. 8 short shader brush and Lamp (Ebony) Black, apply the checks to every other space leaving white between to make the checks.
The Decorative Painter
• WINTER 2017 89

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