Page 37 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 37
Basecoat patch with Antique White. Next, slip-slap a Spice Pink basecoat on the Watermelon. Apply a wash of Spice Pink to the top of the melon. While still wet, add Country Red to the top of the melon, lightly extending out and down to the rind. Sideload the no. 16 flat with Foliage Green and then, over the existing pink paint, add a shade that extends out slightly from the rind. Using the no. 6 fil- bert with Hauser Medium Green, add the rind. Dry-brush in the stripes using the no. 6 filbert with Foliage Green. The stripes should be evenly sized and spaced, but don’t worry about being perfect.
Cut a heart shape out of a piece of palette paper. Place this piece of paper on the watermelon so that the heart is near the center of the melon. Now, spatter the cutout heart area with Country Red, using your favorite spattering tool. A toothbrush with water-thinned paint works well. Add rectangle-shaped seeds with Lamp Black and highlight with Warm White lines. Add a simple line on the left and bottom of each seed in Country Red to shade the seed.
Using Hauser Medium Green, add flower stems and leaves. Stroke in the flower heads with Warm White, and add True Ochre centers. Create the vein lines in the leaves, the flowers’ stamen (including end dots), and the dash border around the patch with the black pen. Do the same with the black lines that meet at the corner bows.
Basecoat with Soft Blue. Basecoat the angel’s face and legs with Flesh Tone, and shade with Flesh Tone+Burnt Si- enna. Add a long stroke of the same mix for her nose. Us- ing Antique Rose, add circles for cheeks and add a dot of highlight at the top with Warm White.
Using a no. 1 liner with Tangelo Orange, stroke in the hair. Basecoat the halo and dress with Indian Turquoise.
Basecoat the wings with Warm White and shade with Zinc. Paint in the arm with Indian Turquoise+Warm White. Shade around wings, pocket, and arm with Wedge- wood Blue. Basecoat the border of the dress with Warm White, and add Lamp Black checks. Add Lamp Black but- tons to the dress.
Using the black pen, add the strings around her waist and back bow.
The three hearts in the angel’s pocket are Country Red, Ant Rose, and Spice Pink. Basecoat the heart on the string with Antique Rose and shade with Country Red. Add high- lights with Spice Pink. Using your liner, add the string with Warm White.
Add a solid borderline on the inside of the patch with Purple Cow. Note that the line is broken behind the angel’s head, arm, and legs.
Add the dashed line around the edge of the patch with the black pen.
Basecoat with Reindeer Moss Green. Basecoat the leaves and stems with Hauser Medium Green and shade with Plantation Pine. Add highlights with Foliage Green.
Basecoat the heart flowers with Antique Rose. Shade with Country Red and darken a bit with Deep Burgundy. Highlight the peaks first with Tangelo Orange and then with True Ochre. Basecoat the calyces that surround the base of the heart flowers with Hauser Medium Green and highlight with Foliage Green.
Add a Blue Harbor borderline inside the patch’s edge. Note that the line is broken behind the heart petals and the stem and leaves.
Add the dash border with the black pen.
Basecoat the hill with Hauser Medium Green. Add plaid stripes with water-thinned Plantation Pine. Stroke in seven heart flowers using the no. 6 filbert with a brush- mix of Antique Rose+Spice Pink+tch Country Red. Add stems and leaves with Foliage Green.
FACES: Basecoated with Flesh Tone. Shade with Flesh Tone+Burnt Sienna. Add the long noses with Burnt Sienna on the liner. Add round cheeks with very thin Antique Rose. HAIR: Using a liner with Tangelo Orange add a few thin strands sticking out from under his hat. Form the wom- an’s hair by streaking Tangelo Orange off the top of her head. Her hair is smoothed down on her scalp, and she has a bun at the base of her head. Shade the bun a bit with Burnt Sienna.
EYES: Add Lamp Black dots, or use the black pen.
DRESS: Basecoat with Blue Harbor and shade with Deep Midnight Blue. Add highlights (including those on the arm) with Soft Blue. Notice that the arm is highlighted heavily toward the top, and much lighter toward the bot- tom. Using a liner, add the bow and buttons with Soft Blue. LEGS: Basecoat with Flesh Tone and shade with Flesh Tone+Burnt Sienna. Basecoat the shoes with Lamp Black and add very light highlights of Zinc.
mAN’S OuTFIT: Basecoat the puffy pants with Blue Har- bor, shade with Deep Midnight Blue, and highlight with Soft Blue. Basecoat the coat with Country Red, shade with
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2014 35