Page 57 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 57
Sunny Tangle
Tangle sunflowers and butterflies on your favorite shirt,
or any fabric surface you want!
With so many stunning tangle projects trend- ing right now, I could not resist creating one with my own twist. From the inception of this idea there
was never any doubt about what my design would be ... a sunflower! Being humbly inspired by the tangles of Janice Miller, owner, designer, and artist at The Wooden Heart in Johnson City, Tenn., I confirmed with her that she had no sunflower design in the pipeline, and then set to work on mine. With her blessing, I pulled out my pens and paints and quickly had my Sunny Tangle. The only decision left was what surface to paint it on: a pillowcase, table runner, banner, or shirt? Or, wouldn’t this be eye- catching on a rectangular decorative pillow? The possi- bilities are endless. The butterflies complete the look and add an overall lightness to the design. Including a touch of bling with Swarovski crystals lends style, but if bling is not your thing, simply omit the crystals.