Page 77 - The Decorative Painter Summer 2014
P. 77

 STEP 7: Mix some Viridian with a touch of Indigo and with a no. 6 round that is barely damp, add some color to the tops of some of the rocks. Apply the paint and rub it with your finger to feather it into the rocks. Add some Yellow Green to only the top edges of the rocks. With the no. 2 round with Sepia, add cracks in the rocks. Darken the lines and divide some of the rocks into smaller rocks.
STEP 9: Review the close-up of the rocks, and randomly add Orange with a slightly damp no. 8 round. You can cre- ate light areas on the rocks without any masking. Simply use the no. 2 round to add tiny dots of Pro White and Yel- low Ochre No. 1 in the areas where you want to highlight the rock. Using the no. 4 round, finish detailing the lines between the rocks with Sepia.
STEP 8: Using the no. 6 round with Vandyke Brown, paint the doors and windows on the cabins. Use Sepia or Ivory Black for the dark thin lines in the doors and windows. Use Permanent Yellow Deep for the light in the windows.
STEP 10: This painting was almost finished when I de- cided that another object of white was needed to create a better balance with the buildings. I added another small boat and that did the trick. You are almost done! Some shadows (Ultramarine Deep and Bright Clear Violet) are needed under the eaves and window ledges to soften the stark white of the buildings. Use your no. 6 round.
STEP 11: Add a couple of small buckets on top of the rocks. They give a variety of white shapes to go along with the boats.
BOATS: Basecoat the boats with Pro White, then add de- tail with Ivory Black.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 2, 2014 75

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