Page 35 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 35
at the top branches. Colors are Carbon Black, Dioxazine Purple, Prussian Blue Hue, Cobalt Blue Hue, Burnt Umber, Light Grey Value 8, and True Silver. Use a wet brush to clean up the edges where the tree and plate meet.
If required to define the rim and/or give rim an enhancement, once trees are painted, give a second coat of paint to the rim using Extender on the rim and in the paint. Use Dioxazine Purple, Prussian Blue, and Carbon Black on the outer edge of the rim and Cobalt Blue Hue and a touch of Warm White on the inner edge of the rim. Use touches of True Silver here and there. With a large mop, mop the colors together but don’t over-blend. Add touches of True Gold and give a final mop to the rim. Let trees and rim dry thoroughly.
Pattern lines for the tree placement, church, path line, and bridge can be applied at this stage.
Basecoat the church sides and roof using Dark Gray Mix. Paint stones on the sides of the church using a no. 4 filbert brush. Alternate loading the edge of the brush with the following colors: Light Grey Value 8, Carbon Black, Prussian Blue Hue, and Warm White and paint in the stones using short, choppy horizontal strokes. With a small liner brush, use Warm White to paint in the church window panes. Use Burnt Umber to outline all windows. Use a no. 4 filbert brush to block in the roof with the Medium Gray Mix. With a dirty brush add wisps of Warm White, Light Grey Value 8, and a wisp of Prussian Blue Hue to represent roof tiles. Add the cupola on top of the church using a round brush or liner brush and Warm White. Cu- pola roof is done similar to the church roof using Dark Gray Mix shadowed with Carbon Black. Sideload small filbert brush with Carbon Black and float a shadow under roof line and down side corners of church.
A light glaze of Extender and Hansa Yellow can be washed into the windows of the church to represent light within the church.
Cemetery area is painted transparently using no. 6 filbert brush, water in the brush, and casual strokes using Pine Green. Add touches of Yellow Oxide, Carbon Black, Prussian Blue Hue, and Burnt Umber to give definition to
the area. The area near the church is greener with splashes of Hansa Yellow and Vermilion dabbed into the hillside. Add darker colors of Carbon Black and Burnt Umber near the horizon as the hill on the left side is painted. Bring Medium Green, Hansa Yellow, and Yellow Oxide down under the fence line and near the grass area near the path; Burnt Umber and Carbon Black are used on the ground area. The horse path is painted using a dirty brush with Medium Green, Hansa Yellow, and Yellow Oxide dabbed into the path in a horizontal motion, adding more hori- zontal dabs using Medium Beige and Yellow Deep. As the path gets nearer to the tree bases, the color is darkened using Burnt Umber and Carbon Black. Strokes are dabby and choppy to represent the rocky path the horses are rac- ing down. Tunnel bridge stones are basecoated with Car- bon Black and/or Dark Gray Mix. Highlight stones using Light Grey Value 8. Shade down the vertical stones, under the path, and under the bridge with a float of Carbon Black. Grass strokes are Pine Green and Yellow Oxide. Small bush on side of bridge tunnel is made of Pine Green leaves with light touches of Yellow Oxide. Stems are Carbon Black.
Dry thoroughly and apply pattern lines for the fence, cemetery stones, horses, and riders.
Using small liner brush or no. 1 round brush, paint in cemetery headstones alternating colors of Carbon Black, Medium Gray Mix, Light Grey Value 8, Burnt Umber, and Warm White. With a no. 6 filbert brush, stroke in path in front of fence using Yellow Deep sideloaded in Medium Beige. Add wispy strokes in middle of path in Medium Beige.
Paint the cemetery stone entry gate using a no. 4 filbert brush much in the same manner as we painted the sides of the church to give the appearance of stacked stone using Carbon Black, Medium Gray Mix, and Warm White. With liner brush, outline the stones using Carbon Black to give form to the stones. With liner brush, use Carbon Black to paint fence posts. Carbon Black dots are placed on top of each fence post.
With no. 6 filbert brush, paint arch on bridge with Me- dium Gray Mix. Over-stroke with Carbon Black sideload- ed with Warm White to form the bricks. An 1⁄8-inch line in Carbon Black caps the horizontal length of the bridge.
Water under bridge is transparently painted with Cobalt Blue Hue, Dark Blue Mix, and Warm White blend- ed over-strokes. On the side of the bridge, Pine Green leaf strokes in the shape of comma strokes are placed on Carbon Black stems. Place a few Yellow Deep strokes on some of the leaf tips. Dry thoroughly.
The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017 33