Page 36 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 36

STEP 1: Basecoat using Dark Gray Mix.
STEP 2: When dry, add dry highlight over-strokes of Light Grey Value 8 and a bit of Titanium White dry-brushed into the lightest areas of the black horse.
STEP 3: Horse tail, mane, and ears are liner strokes using Carbon Black, then Light Grey Value 8.
STEP 4: Finally, a few Titanium White strokes.
STEP 1: Basecoat with Light Grey Value 8. Dry. Dry-brush touches of Carbon Black in shadow areas.
STEP 2: Add dry-brush strokes using Yellow Deep here and there.
STEP 3: Use Titanium White dry-brush highlights in lightest areas. Tail and mane are strokes of Light Grey Value 8 and touches of Carbon Black.
STEP 4: Add over-strokes using Titanium White.
The eyes of the horses are Carbon Black with small touches of Titanium White on each side of the eyeball. An eyelid is Light Grey Value 8 with a Titanium White high- light. Outline in Carbon Black. Harnesses are painted us- ing Carbon Black and touches of Light Grey Value 8 and Titanium White for highlights.
areas are strokes of Vermilion with over-strokes of Yellow Oxide. Buttons on overcoat are Carbon Black dots. Add a collar and ruffles on sleeves using Light Grey Value 8 with little Warm White touches for highlight.
Ichabod’s hat is Carbon Black and outlined with Warm White. His hair is Burnt Sienna with tiny strokes of Carbon Black and a little Yellow Oxide. Paint in a pony tail tie us- ing Sapphire Blue. Pants are Burnt Umber with Yellow Deep highlights at the knee area. Socks are Light Grey Value 8 and top strokes of Warm White. Shoes are Burnt Umber outlined in Carbon Black. The top coat is Sapphire Blue; Prussian Blue Hue is used for the shadows and a touch of Warm White will add the highlight to the top of the coat. Buttons are dots of Carbon Black.
Using a round brush, basecoat owl using Burnt Sien- na. Over-strokes on the wings are alternating tiny dabs of Burnt Umber, Burnt Sienna, and Yellow Deep. Over-strokes on face are dabs lighter in color alternating using Yellow Oxide, Carbon Black, and Burnt Umber. Eyes are Carbon Black with a small highlight of Titanium White.
Pumpkin head is basecoated two to three times using Vermilion to build the color. Using water or Extender on pumpkin surface, add a touch of Naphthol Red for shadow and touches of Hansa Yellow and smaller touches of Warm White for the highlight. Stem is Burnt Sienna outlined with Carbon Black. Thoroughly dry plate. Add pattern to plate rim.
GARGOYLES: Using a no. 4 filbert brush, double-load with Carbon Black and Light Grey Value 8 and stroke in the wings, arms, and feet of gargoyles. Use a no. 1 small round brush or no. 10/0 liner brush, give definition to the horns, face, and body using Carbon Black highlighted with Light Grey Value 8 or Warm White.
TREE BRANCHES, LEAVES, SPIDER WEBS, CAT, SPIDER, BLACKBIRD, RAT, AND BAT: These ele- ments are mainly painted with Carbon Black. Use a small liner brush for linework or a small round brush to outline and give color to the different elements. Tree branches and leaves are Carbon Black added to the ends of the molded
The two hands of the Horseman and Ichabod’s face and hand are flesh tones made by brush-mixing Warm White, Vermilion, and a touch of Yellow Oxide. Using a no. 1 small round brush or liner brush, paint in the hands, fingers and Ichabod’s face. Give definition to the fingers and Ichabod’s face with thin linework using Dark Gray Mix. A wash of Naphthol Red and Vermilion are tapped onto Ichabod’s cheek. Eye is Warm White with an oval dot of Carbon Black. Small shine is tapped into the black area using Warm White.
The clothing areas are small and should be done with small strokes of color with just enough definition to give visual interest using wet-on-wet technique. With a small round brush, basecoat pants with Dark Blue Mix. Shade with Prussian Blue Hue+Carbon Black (1:tch); highlight with wisps of Warm White. Shirt and sleeves are basecoat- ed with Dark Blue Mix, adding touches of Yellow Oxide and Vermilion and shaded with Prussian Blue Hue. Coat is basecoated with Naphthol Red. Using the Naphthol Red in brush, add touches of Carbon Black for shadows. Highlight
34 The Decorative Painter • FALL 2017

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