Page 82 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 82

 80 The Decorative Painter
• FALL 2017
Using the large flat, paint a heavy, thick coat of DecoArt Ameri- cana Decou-Page over the background plaque. While wet, cover with a wrinkled sheet of tissue paper. Pat down and allow to dry. When completely dry, trim the excess paper from edges, sanding the edges if necessary to smooth. Basecoat the plaque, the snowflakes, and all of the tags with Winter Blue, front and back. Wash the plaque with Snow (Titanium) White+water. It should be semitransparent. Dry.
Spatter the plaque and tags with thinned Snow (Titanium) White. Use the lettering brush to paint a Snow (Titanium) White stripe around the edges of the plaque and the liner brush to stripe around the tags.
The designs on each snowflake are done with the liner brush and thinned Snow (Titanium) White. The dots are dip dots made with stylus tips, two sizes (note the large and small sized dots). Refer to the pictures to paint or invent your own design by following the shape of the snowflakes with lines, circles, triangles, and dip dots.
Transfer the alphabet letters on each tag, using Lamp (Ebony) Black to paint each letter. The wide lines are done with the no. 2 flat brush, the narrow lines with a liner brush. Hint: If a line is choppy or rough, you can always doctor them up with the black pen. The word across the bottom of each tag is penned.
Transfer the patterns to the opposite sides of each tag. On most, the designs are filled in with color and detailed with the pen. Unless there is shading to be done, the design is listed with the colors for it. Fill in the colors and then outline and detail with the pen.
All tags have Deep Midnight Blue shading on them and small sty- lus dots in the background starting at the top and going about two- thirds down.
ANGEL: Cadmium Yellow halo, Warm Beige face, Honey Brown hair, Grey Sky gown, Bleached Sand wings with Grey Sky floated at the tops, Coral Blush cheeks. Penned detail.
BOOT: Lamp (Ebony) Black with Grey Sky laces, True Red leg shad- ed at bottom with Antique Maroon, Traditional Burnt Umber fur with pouncer brush with Snow (Titanium) White pounced at front for highlight. Penned detail.
CANDY CANE: Snow (Titanium) White with True Red stripes. Shade down the back with Deep Midnight Blue. Penned outline. DECEMBER: Snow (Titanium) White front page, Neutral Grey back page with Lamp (Ebony) Black shade, Hauser Medium Green holly, True Red berries. Penned detail.
ELF: Warm Beige face and hand, Coral Blush cheek, Hauser Me- dium Green front of hat, Plantation Pine back of hat, Antique Ma- roon shirt with True Red sleeve, Snow (Titanium) White candy cane, True Red stripes. Penned detail.

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