Page 84 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 84

                                                                                                                                   VIXEN: Milk Chocolate, Traditional Burnt Umber shad- ing, Snow (Titanium) White tag, and eye, Lamp (Ebony) Black iris. True Red collar. Penned detail includes antlers. WREATH: Pounce Hauser Medium Green and then Hauser Light Green. True Red dots. Penned detail. XYLOPHONE: Bars are Lavender, True Blue, Bright Green, Cadmium Yellow, Bright Orange, True Red. Snow (Titanium) White tag. Penned detail.
YULE LOG: Milk Chocolate cake, Bleached Sand center swirl and plate. Terra Cotta shade around cake. Hauser Light Green holly leaves, True Red dots. Penned detail. ZZzzzz: Warm Beige face, Driftwood beard, Snow (Tita- nium) White hat with True Red stripes. Hauser Light Green blanket with Plantation Pine shading. Coral Rose cheek and nose, Snow (Titanium) White lines, beard, mustache, hair highlights. Penned detail.
Arrange tags on the plaques so you can easily tell where to glue the snowflakes to the top. Arrange them so that the largest is centered and high enough to accom- modate the tags.
Glue snowflakes. When dry, float Deep Midnight Blue around them to shade.
Lay out all parts and spray with DecoArt Americana Matte Sealer/Finisher.
Arrange tiles and carefully mark where the nails should be placed. Remove tiles and tap in the nails.
Design is 50% of original. Enlarge 200% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size, affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
FALL - 2017
1220 E. First St., Wichita, KS 67214. Allow four weeks for delivery.
 artist’s sketch
       Prudy Vannier cda grew up loving art, but found her real passion when she discovered decorative painting. She enjoys teaching, designing, learning and sharing in the decorative painting world. You can see samples of her art on Facebook as well as keep track of her teaching and travel schedule. She welcomes students of any age and level of painting.
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