Page 83 - The Decorative Painter Fall 2017
P. 83

 FIRE: Lamp (Ebony) Black grate, Milk Chocolate log with Grey Sky center, Bright Orange, Cadmium Yellow, True Red flames, float Bright Orange for glow. Penned detail. GINGERBREAD: Terra Cotta with Milk Chocolate edge, thinned Snow (Titanium) White for frosting, Coral Blush dots for cheeks. Penned detail.
HOLLY: HauserMediumGreenforshadesides,Hauser Light Green for bright sides, True Red stylus dots. Penned detail.
ICE: Snow (Titanium) White with some Grey Sky shade. Shadows Deep Midnight Blue, paint over with DecoArt Glamour Dust Glitter Paint, Ice Crystal. Penned detail. JINGLE: Basecoat True Red. When dry, go over with Emperor’s Gold. Traditional Burnt Umber shade, Snow (Titanium) White highlights, True Red ribbon. Penned detail.
KINGS: Crowns are Emperor’s Gold and Neutral Grey. Dip dots of Snow (Titanium) White, True Red, Cadmium Yellow. Penned detail.
LIGHTS: True Red, Cadmium Yellow, Hauser Light Green. Snow (Titanium) White highlights. Penned detail. MITTENS: True Red, Snow (Titanium) White snowflake design. Penned detail.
NUTS: Neutral Grey with Grey Sky highlights, Honey Brown walnut. Penned detail.
ORNAMENT: Hauser Medium Green pine in back- ground, Antique Maroon small ornaments, True Red big ornament. Emperor’s Gold top and stripe, Bright Green stripe at bottom. Cadmium Yellow dots.
POINSETTIA: Shade background with Deep Midnight Blue first, then stroke True Red petals with liner brush, Hauser Medium Green leaves, Cadmium Yellow dots. Penned detail.
QUILT: Basecoat Snow (Titanium) White, shade on quilt Deep Midnight Blue. Pattern True Red and Bright Green. Penned detail.
RIBBON: Snow (Titanium) White circle. True Red and Antique Maroon ribbon. Penned detail.
SANTA: Warm Beige face, Driftwood beard, True Red clothes, Coral Blush cheek and lip. Pounce Burnt Um- ber and Snow (Titanium) White for fur. Snow (Titani- um) White lines for beard, mustache, brows, and cheek highlight. Penned detail.
TREE: Hauser Medium Green, Plantation Pine shading, Snow (Titanium) White snow. Penned detail. UNWRAP: True Red+Snow (Titanium) White (1:tch) wrapping paper, white stripes. Antique Maroon shad- ing under box, lid and front of box are Snow (Titanium) White, Neutral Grey inside, Grey Sky side. True Red rib- bon. Penned detail.
The Decorative Painter
• FALL 2017 81

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