Page 35 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 35

       artist’s sketch
           Susan Lockwood tda began her painting career in the mid-’70s. Susie’s first class was with Barbara Nielsen cda.
She then took as many classes as she could from a variety of teachers, trying all styles of acrylic and oil painting.
She began teaching in the late ’80s and loves it. Susie joined SDP in 1996, and became a Teacher of Decorative
Art in 2002. She is an active member and current president of Toling Belles of Santa Clara County. She teaches
at her home studio several times a week as well as travels to teach at other chapters and retreats. She and her
husband, Paul, own and operate Creative Woodworks in San Jose, Calif. They make beautiful, completely sanded
wood pieces for decorative painters. You can contact Susie at, visit her website at, or call her at (408) 923-5239.
      dEcOratIvEpaINtErS.Org The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 33

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