Page 41 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 41

Use the same brush for all steps until a new brush is recommended. Continue with the new brush until a change is suggested.
1. Begin basecoating the shadow areas of the tail with Ivory Black on the no. 4 sable bright.
2. Base the remainder of the tail with French Ultramarine. Where the colors meet, blend with the length of feathers.
3. Use a light-value mix of Titanium White+Ivory Black+Raw Umber to highlight a few feather tips and in- dicate individual feathers by adding feather lines. Most mixes are referenced on the Color Mix Chart on page 37.
4. The far wing is primarily Ivory Black. The lighter value along the upper third of the wing is French Ultramarine. Blend where these two values meet. Feather lines are not needed here since this wing is turned away from the light.
5. Primaries on the near wing are a dark value of French Ultramarine.
6. Sparsely apply a light value of Raw Umber. Blend where values meet.
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014 39

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