Page 42 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 42

   7. Highlight along the feather edges and blend a bit with the growth direction using a no. 4 bright with Titanium White+Raw Umber.
8. Using the no. 2 bright with Ivory Black+Sap Green, base the darkest values of the undertail coverts and belly. Base the light green areas with Sap Green+Cadmium Yellow Pale+tch Titanium White.
9. Blend in the direction of the feathers’ growth using the no. 2 bright. Add additional highlights as shown using same green mix, but adding a bit more Titanium White. Blend highlights to soften, working in the direction of their growth.
10. Base the shank feathers with Winsor Red+Raw Umber+tch Cadmium Yellow Pale. Base the underside of the foot with Raw Umber. Base the remainder of the toes with the same mix, adding a bit more Titanium White.
11. Highlight the shank feathers with Winsor Red+Raw Umber+Cadmium Yellow Pale. Highlight a little along the top of the toes with this same mix, adding a touch of Titanium White. Thin a bit of Raw Umber with odorless thinner. Tip the no. 0 liner in the thin mix and apply the slightly curved lines across the toes. Finally, add the Ivory Black toenail.
Using the no. 4 bright, base the dark, curved wing edge with Ivory Black. Then use either the no. 2 or no. 4 bright to work on the covert feathers. Base the green shadow areas of the darker covert feathers with Ivory Black+Sap Green. Base the shadow areas of the brighter green feathers with Sap Green+Cadmium Yellow Pale+tch Titanium White.
   40 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2014

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