Page 99 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 99

Create the masts and hull with Asphaltum on the no. 1 round. Basecoat the sails with Light Buttermilk, and then shade with Raw Sienna, and then Asphaltum. Highlight the sails with Snow White.
Basecoat the top waving flag with Spicy Mustard, and then shade with Raw Sienna on the bottom. Basecoat the lower flag with Uniform Blue, and then shade at the bottom with Soft Black. Highlight the tops of both flags with Light Buttermilk (refer to the finished painting on page 92 for placement of highlights).
Lightly float in the waves directly under the vessel with Light Buttermilk on the 3⁄8" angular.
The instructions for the lighthouse are broken down into three sections: the yellow house that sits in the back, the black and tan lighthouse tower, and the stone house parts
that sit to the right and left of the tower.
WinDoWs AnD DooR: Basecoat all the windows—
with the exception of the dark round one—with French
Vanilla and shade with Raw Sienna. Basecoat the dark
round window with Soft Black. Basecoat all the doors
with Cocoa, and then wash over the area with Raw Sien-
na. Shade the top left area of each door with Asphaltum.
Paint the hardware on each door with Soft Black, and all
trim with Snow White.
YELLoW HousE: Basecoat the building with Spicy Mus-
tard. Shade under the roof and behind the other sections,
first with Raw Sienna and then with Asphaltum. Basecoat
the roof with Soft Black. Shade the bottom area of the roof with Lamp Black, and highlight the sides with Neutral Grey. LiGHTHousE ToWER: Basecoat the lighthouse tower with Light Buttermilk. Apply the black stripes using the no. 12 flat with Soft Black. The stripes can be taped off if you wish.
Shade the left sides of the Light Buttermilk parts with Raw Sienna, followed by Asphaltum.
Shade the Soft Black stripes with Lamp Black.
Basecoat the lighthouse’s lamp with French Vanilla, and then shade with Raw Sienna. Dab a Light Buttermilk highlight on the left side of the lamp.
Basecoat the ledge at the top of the tower with Soft Black.
Apply a float of Snow White down the right side of the lighthouse.

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