Page 98 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2014
P. 98

Dip the no. 6 scumbler into Light Buttermilk, and then swirl the brush on the palette to remove excess paint. Wipe most of the paint onto a paper towel, and then begin creating the clouds by dry-brushing in a small, circular
motion. Let it dry completely. Apply Snow White highlights using the same method. Add a bit of water to Mauve to create a very transparent glaze, and
then apply this lightly to the bottoms of a few clouds.
Add all the tree trunks and branches with Asphaltum. Note: You’ll paint all the shrubs after creating the lighthouse and the small red house. FiR TREEs: Tap in the shapes of the four fir trees that sit on the back-
ground land using the 1⁄8" deerfoot stippler with Black Green (see Step 1 on page 95). Let it dry, and then tap in another coat. While this second coat is still wet, apply Antique Gold Deep to the right side of each tree (see Step 2),
and then apply a bit of Cadmium Yellow over that (see Step 3).
uPPER LEFT TREE: Tap on the shape of the tree with Black Green using the small Lunar blender. Add Avocado Green to the dirty brush and apply high- lights. Begin by pouncing this color on the top left side of the tree, and then work it toward the center. Add Antique Green to the dirty brush and apply another layer of highlight to the same area. Finish highlighting with a touch
of Cadmium Yellow.
TREE To LEFT oF LiGHTHousE: Tap in the shape of this tree using the 1⁄2" Lunar blender loaded with Black Green. Let it dry, and then tap in another
layer of the same color. With each color application, begin at the top right of the tree. While the second layer of Black Green is wet, pick up Plantation Pine with the same dirty brush and tap it in. Repeat the process, this time with Avocado. Next, add a bit of Antique Green to the brush and then finish with a
touch of Cadmium Yellow.
TREE To LEFT oF RED HousE: Pounce in this tree’s foliage using Antique Green on a damp sea sponge. While this is drying, rinse and squeeze out the sponge.
Repeat the previous step, this time using Plantation Pine. Rinse and squeeze out the sponge while this dries, and then repeat again with just a touch of Black Green. To give the foliage an airy look, use a light touch and a damp (not wet)
sponge. With each color application, decrease the amount of paint used.
TREE To RiGHT oF LiGHTHousE: You’ll create this cone-shaped tree much like you created the four background trees. First create the basic shape of the tree with Black Green on the 1⁄4" deerfoot stippler. Let this dry, and then apply another coat of the same color. With each color application, begin at the top right of the tree.
While the second coat of Black Green is still wet, add Plantation Pine to the brush and tap this in. Add Avocado to the dirty brush and apply. Use a bit of Antique
Green next, and then finish with a touch of Cadmium Yellow.

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