Page 73 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 73
Basecoat with opaque Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 1. Use the size and shape brush that is most comfortable for the area in which you are working. Cemetery fence is the tiniest of broken lines from fence post to fence post.
CAT: Make one small dot and two (2) small dots a little lower and to the right of the first dot. Use a stylus or small brush to join the two right dots into a bean shape for the cat’s arched back. Pull up a long, curved tail. Use the #2/0 round brush to pull up spikes on the back and around the tail (Step 2).
HOUSES: Float Cadmium Orange on the bottom and one side of each window. Add windowpane dividers with #2/0 brush and thinned Lamp (Ebony) Black.
Line the eaves and flagpoles with Grey Storm using the #2/0 round brush. Repeat this in small areas with Grey Storm+Snow (Titanium) White (1:tch) as a highlight.
Float sideloaded Grey Storm highlight on tombstones, top of flags, and under eaves of house roofs. Use the flat brush and thinned Grey Storm on the chisel edge and light zigzag strokes back and forth around the bottom of the main elements of the design, houses, cemetery, pumpkin patch.
Swirl transparent Grey Storm for chimney smoke.
PUMPKINS: Use the #2/0 round brush with Cadmium Yellow+ Snow (Titanium) White (3:1) plus just enough medium to make paint flow to paint pumpkin faces. The pumpkin faces are easier to do freehand. Refer to patterns (Step 3).
TREES AND SHRUBS: Use Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 3 on the tree trunk, stippling paint on the trunk and pulling this mix up into irregular twisted tree branches. The easiest way to get scraggly branches is to turn your piece and paint the trees upside down. You are just painting squiggly lines instead of trying to paint natural tree branches. It works!
When this dries, apply more color, stippling or dabbing Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 2 to darken parts of the trunk and some branches. Dry completely.
Use Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 1 and the #2/0 round brush to paint in just a few tiny twigs here and there through the trees. Use just enough water or medium to make the paint flow.
Finally, use the #5 round and very diluted Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 3 to put foliage in and around the branches of the trees. Keep this very light (Step 4).
The shrubs and grasses on the ground are done in reverse order, skipping Step 2. Lightly brush in skinny, wispy branches of grasses and branches. When dry, use Lamp (Ebony) Black Mix 3 to put in some foliage around shrubs.