Page 72 - DPM3_Fall_2021_Flipbook
P. 72
color, mixing in color as you move. Anchoring your free hand at the bottom of the globe and turning it as you paint gives excellent texture and flow to your sky.
Color progression starting at the top is Prussian Blue
– Dioxazine Purple – Razzle Berry – Cadmium Orange – Cadmium Yellow – Cadmium Orange. Eyeball the width of each color to fit all colors between the north pole and the ground line you just drew on. It will depend on the size of your surface. You do not want definite lines of color. The first coat will be choppy and rough without full coverage (Step 1). I hold the base of the globe tilted away from me in my left hand, on my lap, and use my index finger to spin the globe slowly.
Very lightly dressing your 1" flat brush with medium makes the blending of the sky easier. Keep strokes parallel to the equator all the way down. Begin at the top with Prussian Blue, stroking around the north pole while turning your globe. Feather out as you come to the purple space.
Heavily sideload the dirty brush with Dioxazine Purple and continue around as you slowly spin with the Dioxazine Purple side of the brush on the lower side.
Clean brush and load in pure Dioxazine Purple. Brush around the globe, feathering up toward the last color and
down as you get to the Razzle Berry area.
Sideload dirty brush with Razzle Berry, continue spinning globe and widening Razzle Berry area. Rinse brush and load pure Razzle Berry.
Continue down the globe in this manner, sideloading, rinsing, and loading pure color as you move down. Cadmium Orange is blended both above and below the Cadmium Yellow. The horizon line is not absolute. You can come back later and clean up the black line.
Repeat the entire basecoat starting with Prussian Blue and moving down. This second coat may be the second, third, or fourth coatings as you move up and down the globe to blend and mix colors and get opaque coverage. As you start to get good coverage, turn your large flat brush to its chisel edge and make wispy streaks through the sky. Clean up the horizon line with Lamp (Ebony) Black, but this doesn’t have to be perfectly straight.
Enlarge or shrink the patterns to fit your surface, cut them apart, place them around the horizon line and transfer patterns for the larger items with graphite paper. The smaller elements are easier to paint if you lightly sketch the design with a chalk pencil or freehand them with paint.
70 TheDecorativePainter •SFUALMLM20E2R1 2021