Page 36 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
P. 36
Painter’s Checklist
Colonial Oval folk Art Tin 13" x 11" (33 x 28 cm)
Antique Green Antique Maroon Avocado Dip
Burnt Orange Cranberry Wine Deep Midnight Blue Dioxazine Purple Evergreen
Irish Moss Lamp Black Lilac
Midnite Green Mustard Seed Napthol Red Orange Twist
Pansy Lavender Persimmon Purple Cow Royal Purple Salem Blue
Soft Black
Soft Heather
Spiced Pumpkin Traditional Burnt Sienna Traditional Burnt Umber Traditional Raw Sienna Warm White Williamsburg Blue Yellow Light
no. 2 round brush for the vertical areas on the basket sides. Using S-dome brush on rim and L-dome brush on sides, pick up this mix in dry brush, take out excess, and dry-brush onto the horizontal weave on the basket side and basket bot- tom. Pick up Mustard Seed in dirty brush, take out excess, and add highlight to S-strokes, vertical (use dry no. 2 round), and horizontal areas, making this a little smaller than the last highlight; repeat, picking up Warm White in dirty brush and only putting this in the lightest areas—center right sections on basket; repeat, picking up Warm White and this stays in only the very brightest areas in the center right. Using Per- simmon, shade on both sides between S-strokes, on either side of vertical reed, under rim and each row of weave, and on both sides, walking color in toward center, walking in fur- ther on the left; dry. Repeat, using Traditional Burnt Sienna, keeping this layer a little narrower than the first; repeat, using Traditional Burnt Umber, again, making this narrower than the last. Final shading on far sides of basket is Soft Black.
At this point only do leaves that are not on top of some- thing else. You will paint those after those fruits are painted in the same matter. Basecoat Antique Green. Highlight tips and sides of leaves with Avocado Dip; dry; repeat, picking up Mustard Seed in dirty brush and making this highlight nar- rower; dry; repeat, picking up more Mustard Seed; dry; re- peat, picking up Yellow Light and keep this only on the right
Series 7000 nos. 0, 6 & 8 liner Series 7000 1⁄2" rake
Series 7000 no. 2 round
Series 7000 nos. 8, 12 & 16 shade Series 7000 3⁄4" wash
Series LC272-S, XS & L dome
1⁄2" mop
Basic painting supplies (page 96) Krylon metal primer
Chalk pencil
Product ID: FT-2240 tin tray is available from Della Wetterman; 5208 Lake Charles Dr., Waco, TX 76710; (254) 772-6927; Fax (254) 772-6998; WWW.DELLAANDCOMPANY.COM.
34 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2016