Page 39 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
P. 39

         only; repeat, using Traditional Burnt Umber. Be sure each successive float is narrower than the one before. Add Soft Black shadows to darkest areas and along side of pear on left where it sits behind other fruit.
STEM: Using a no. 0 or no. 6 liner add long, thin comma-stroke with a brush-mix of Traditional Raw Sienna+Traditional Burnt Umber (1:1). While still wet, pick up Warm White in dirty brush and add highlight. Shade where it meets fruit with Traditional Burnt Umber.
Basecoat Avocado Dip. Wash with Mustard Seed; dry. Sideload 3⁄4" wash brush in Mustard Seed and float across top (back) and in front of stem depression, connect- ing the color on the sides; dry. Float Irish Moss inside stem depression and in front of depression, connecting the color on the sides; repeat if you want a bit more green. Add more shading inside the stem depression with Irish Moss+Evergreen (1:1), then just Evergreen. Using rake brush, thin Persimmon with a lot of water, smash brush to separate bristles, tap gently on damp paper towel to just take out excess moisture, and add thin lines to center of front of apple. I started in the center and swept up and down; dry. Using 3⁄4" wash brush float Persimmon around apple, walking color up toward center, making it widest on left; dry. Using rake brush and technique above, add more thin lines with Napthol Red. Add more floated color around apple, but don’t walk color up as far. Using rake and the same technique, add a few lines with Cranberry Wine; don’t overdo this color! When dry, float as above, keeping this color only on the front of the apple, not walking color as far. You may want to do this two to three times to achieve proper depth; dry. Add more shading on lower left and across bottom with Antique Maroon.
HIGHLIGHT: Using dry L-dome pick up Mustard Seed, take out excess, and tap in on center right, about the size of a quarter. Let some of the colors underneath show through. Pick up Yellow Light in dirty brush, take out excess, and add more highlight leaving a “halo” of the last color showing around. Pick up Warm White in dirty brush, take out excess, and apply as above. Add more Warm White if necessary.
STEM: Using a no. 0 or no. 6 liner add a long, thin comma-stroke with a brush-mix of Traditional Raw Sienna+Traditional Burnt Umber (1:1). While still wet, pick up Warm White in dirty brush and add highlight. Shade where it meets fruit with Traditional Burnt Umber.
Basecoat Avocado Dip. Add line to each berry with a mix of Avocado Dip+Warm White (1:1) or with enough Warm White to see a difffference. Using dry XS-dome, tap in a highlight with this mix, then add Warm White to dirty brush for more highlight. Shade all around berry with Antique Green, making shadow side wider. Pick up Ev- ergreen on dirty brush, blend, and add more shading to shadow side, but not quite as wide. Repeat, using just Evergreen; pick up Soft Black on dirty brush, blend, and add darkest shadows where one berry lays under another, etc. Tap in a bit more Warm White to highlight some of the berries.
STEM: Using a no. 0 or no. 6 liner add long, thin comma-stroke with a brush-mix of Traditional Raw Sienna+Traditional Burnt Umber (1:1). While still wet, pick up Warm White in dirty brush and add highlight. Shade where it meets fruit with Tra- ditional Burnt Umber.
                                   DECORATIVEPAINTERS.ORG The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 1, 2016 37

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