Page 40 - The Decorative Painter Spring 2016
P. 40
Basecoat the bittersweets with Persimmon+Orange Twist (2:1). Using dry XS-dome brush or no. 2 round, tap in highlight with Orange Twist, pick up Warm White on dirty brush, and tap in a bit more highlight. Shade all around berry, making it wider on shadow side, with Burnt Orange. Add more shading to left side only with Traditional Burnt Sienna, then Antique Maroon. Add a bit of Soft Black to dirty brush and shade only those mostly on the left. Dampen pear underneath and add a thin liner of Traditional Burnt Umber to the left as a cast shadow for the stem and small C-strokes to the left of the berries that are above the pear to place cast shadow. STEM: Using a no. 0 or no. 6 liner add long, thin comma-stroke with a brush-mix of Traditional Raw Sienna+Traditional Burnt Umber (1:1). While still wet, pick up Warm White in dirty brush and add highlight. Shade where it meets fruit with Traditional Burnt Umber.
Basecoat the peach with Spiced Pumpkin. Double- load brush with Spiced Pumpkin and Orange Twist, blend, and add light areas to left and inside “dip,” walking color on left two-thirds of the way across; dry. Add more
highlight with the following colors in this order, walking color out less: Orange Twist, Orange Twist+Mustard Seed (1:1), Mustard Seed. Shade the right edge and to the left of the “dip” with Persimmon, walking this color toward highlight; repeat, using the following colors in this or- der, walking color out less: Napthol Red, Cranberry Wine. The shadow colors also go on the lower left and across the bottom. Add a bit of Soft Black shading at lower left where leaf lays on top. Picked up a tad of Spiced Pumpkin on L-dome brush, take out excess, then pick up Orange Twist, take out excess and tap in a very little highlight at the upper left; add Mustard Seed to dirty brush and tap in a bit more. This is barely visible, but adds a touch of “highlight” to the fuzzy peach.
LEAVES: Same as above. Wash over leaves with thin An- tique Green to tone them down just a bit. I didn’t want them to be a focal point.
STRAWBERRIES: Undercoat Spiced Pumpkin; wash over with thin Napthol Red. Using tip of no. 0 liner add seed pockets with Midnite Green; dry. Add seeds on high- light side with Mustard Seed; on shadow side with Or- ange Twist. Using dry XS-dome brush or no. 2 round tap in a bit of Spiced Pumpkin for highlight, pick up Orange Twist on dirty brush and add a little more highlight; pick up Mustard Seed on dirty brush and just add highlights to berries marked Step 1; pick up Warm White on dirty brush and add highlights to berries marked Step 2. Shade both sides of berries with Cranberry Wine, making shad- ing on shadow side wider. Add more shading on shadow side only with Antique Maroon, not as wide as first shad- ing; add more shading to darkest berries with Soft Black. If necessary, add a touch more highlight, using colors as above, beginning with darkest color.
CALYX: Using no. 2 round use the One Stroke painting method to add small leaves at top of berries. Highlight tips with Avocado Dip. Add more highlight to brighter berries with Mustard Seed in dirty brush. Shade across top with Ev- ergreen. Add cast shadows on apple, peach, and basket.
REFLECTED LIGHT: With thin Avocado Dip, add to shad- ow sides of some grapes, top side of left pear, left top of right pear, left sides of apple and peach, some bittersweet berries, and a few strawberries. Add touches of Persim- mon and/or Orange Twist to gooseberries, grapes, left top of plum, and some leaves with very thin floats of this color. Add thin floats of Pansy Lavender to right side of apple,
38 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 1, 2016