Page 49 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 49

DARK: Using no. 6 filbert, apply a basecoat with a mix of Midnite Green+Antique Green (1:1). Pick up Antique Green on a dry XS dome, take out excess paint and lay in highlight; repeat by picking up Spicy Mustard on the dirty brush. Develop the leaf ’s veins using a mix of Spicy Mustard+Antique Green (2:1). Shade Midnite Green at the base and shadow side of the leaf; repeat using Soft Black. LIGHT: Apply a basecoat with Antique Green. Pick up An- tique Green with XS dome and take out excess paint; also, pick up Spicy Mustard and take out excess paint; then, lay in highlight. Repeat this, but first pick up more Spicy Mustard on the dirty brush. Paint the veins in Spicy Mus- tard. Shade at the base and shadow side of the leaves with Midnite Green. Add a few straggling leaves outside of the design area with Antique Green.
Apply a basecoat for the strawberries with Persimmon. Using the dry XS dome brush, tap in highlight with Or- ange Twist. Float Red Alert around the entire strawberry, walking the color on shadow side up and nearly to the highlighted area. Float Cranberry Wine on shadow side only, walking color up but not quite as far as last float. With Antique Maroon, repeat this last step. Pick up Soft Black for the final shading. Using no. 0 liner, add dots of Midnite Green for seeds, making those in the highlight area very small and light. Add more seeds in the same manner with Orange Twist, but not in the highlight area. Using Warm White, add dots of highlight in same manner in the highlight area only.
Unfinished products fully assembled and Ready to Paint.
   CALYX AND STEM: Beginning at the top of the straw- berry, use Antique Green to shade the calyx in one stroke. Pick up Spicy Mustard on the dirty brush and add highlight. Stems are Antique Green; add Spicy Mustard highlight.
Add a basecoat of Blue Haze. Using dry XS dome brush, tap in highlight with Blue Haze+Salem Blue (1:1) toward highlight side; repeat with just Salem Blue if neces- sary. Float highlight on light side with Blue Haze+Salem Blue (1:1); repeat with just Salem Blue. Float shadow with a mix of Blue Haze+Payne’s Grey (1:1); repeat with just Payne’s Grey. Using no. 0 liner, add final highlight dot with Warm White. Final shading is done in Soft Black.
Use Red Alert, Midnite Green and Soft Black for the different “bands” and edges on the cup. Make dots in Soft Black.
To achieve an antique appearance, apply Norwegian Painting Medium to the entire piece with a soft cloth. Pick up Burnt Umber oil paint on the same area of the cloth, turn the cloth inside out, and then apply it to the surface, leaving it dark in shadow areas. Wipe off excess with clean cloth. Let it dry well, for at least three days, or spray with Liberty Matte Spray. Use several coats of DecoArt Ameri- cana Light Satin Varnish to finish.
 Smooth Cut Wood
The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2015 47
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