Page 80 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2015
P. 80
STEP 2: Load the liner brush in Burnt Umber and paint fine commas for shading.
STEP 3: Use the liner brush loaded in Cream Mix to paint highlight commas.
STEP 1: Paint the leaves with the no. 3 round brush load- ed in the Green Mix, forming commas and S-strokes. STEP 2: Highlight all leaves and stems with the no. 5/0 liner brush loaded in Cream Mix.
Use the same brush to apply a thin line between the Capitol Sienna and blue base on the top.
Tip the bottom end of the 1" flat brush in the Capitol Sienna and apply large round dots on the flat side of the heel part.
Let the wooden shoes dry for at least 48 hours. Erase any remaining transfer lines. Apply two coats of Jo Sonja’s Polyurethane Satin Varnish according to the manufac- turer’s instructions. Tie the shoes together with raffia or matching ribbon.
Designs are 60% of original. Enlarge 167% for actual size.
For a free design at actual size,
affix two first-class stamps to a #10 SASE and send to:
The Decorative Painter
393 N. McLean Blvd.
Wichita, KS 67203-5968.
Allow four weeks for delivery.
These steps are painted on the Capitol Sienna base. STEP 1: Use the Pink Mix and the no. 3 round brush to block in the doughnut shape. Paint the center with Storm Blue.
STEP 2: Create five petals using the liner brush and the Cream Mix. Pick up a little Storm Blue in the dirty brush to paint a small comma in the center.
STEP 3: Add additional small highlight commas in the petals. Use the stylus and Cream Mix to apply dots around and in the center of the round blossoms.
STEP 1: Paint with the no. 3 round brush loaded in Storm Blue.
STEP 2: Pick up the Cream Mix with the stylus to apply dots.
STEP 1: Load the no. 3 round brush in Raw Sienna and paint the tulips.
artist’s sketch
A member of SDP since 1991, Heleen Van der Haar has been involved in decorative painting since the late 1970s. Born in the Netherlands, she migrated to Australia in 1986 and co-founded the Society of Folk and Deco- rative Artists of Victoria. She is a member of Chroma’s TAPP and is an accredited teacher of Enid Hoessinger’s multi-loading technique. Heleen has taught at two SDP Conferences and now mostly teaches from her home studio. She has published many magazine articles, pattern packs and the book, Hindeloopen Decorative Paint- ing. You may write to Heleen at 30 Mount View Street, Aspendale VIC 3195, Australia; or email hvanderhaar@ Visit her website at
78 The Decorative Painter
• ISSUE NO. 4, 2015