Page 29 - The Decorative Painter - Fall 2019
P. 29

Please take the time to read through the written instructions, while following along with the worksheets, prior to beginning
to paint.
The strokes used in Zhostovo are unfinished. Lift off with a wisping motion rather than ending the stroke with a chisel line or perfect tail.
Do not dilute the acrylic color. Heavy-bodied paints are better for strokework.
The basic steps for the painting are the same for each flower or leaf.
Larger, more detailed areas may require an extra highlight step.
Note the lightest areas of the roses/filler flowers face the center of the floral design.
Use filbert brushes for the leaf, bud and flower strokes. Use the flat washes for floating shadows.
When separating the light and dark areas, use plenty of Alizarin Crimson. Deepen with less Navy Blue (acrylic steps) or Paynes Grey (oil steps) in the same areas, leaving much of the Alizarin Crimson visible.
The roses and buds differ only slightly from one another. Some require fewer strokes/petals to complete.
Undercoat, basecoat, separate lights and darks for all the leaves, buds and flowers in acrylic and allow each step to dry before preparing the oil palette. The oil steps are painted wet- into-wet.
With oil color, finish one leaf, bud or flower at a time. Add centers and any linework as a last step.
Step 1: Undercoat with Titanium White. Pull an unfinished comma-stroke (a) on the light side of the leaf, on the inside of the curved vein, toward the end or tip of the leaf. Pull an unfinished S-stroke (b) toward the end or tip of the leaf. Pull another S-stroke to fill in the space (c). On the opposite side, pull an unfinished C-stroke from the end or tip, up and in toward the vein line (d). Pull a similar stroke in the same
manner to fill in the shape (e). Use this same order in the final oil overstroke steps.
Use two unfinished C-strokes to fill the shape of the smaller filler leaves (f, g).
Step 2: Cover the white basecoat with Old Ivy (stroke leaves) and Teal (filler leaves).
Step 3: Separate the light and dark areas. Float Alizarin Crimson on the outside of the curved vein and over the end/ tip of the leaf (h). Shade around the base and the end/tip of the filler leaf. Deepen the shaded areas using less Navy Blue leaving the Alizarin Crimson visible (i).
Step 4: Switch to oil color. Shine the surface with Oil Painting Medium. Wipe off any excess. Using the acrylic map created in the first three steps, lay Alizarin Crimson oil color (j) in the same areas. Deepen the shadow area with Paynes Grey (k).
Figure 1. Comma-strokes
 Figure 2. S-strokes
Figure 3. C- or U-strokes
g e
b a

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