Page 33 - The Decorative Painter - Fall 2019
P. 33
Step 1: Use a compass and white chalk pencil and follow the inside shape of the raised tray trim. Draw two lines about 1⁄2" apart. Draw intersecting lines about 3⁄4" apart to create a grid. These do not need to be exact. Close is good enough.
Step 2: Load a fine liner brush with Pure Gold. Paint one stroke/shape using the guidelines for placement/spacing. Continue around the tray with the same stroke.
Step 3: Paint a second stroke/shape and continue with that same stroke around the tray. Continue to choose one stroke and finish around the tray until moving to the next. Your border will be complete in no time.
Brush-mix some leftover paint and fill in any blank areas with filler strokes, gently curved lines and/or thin comma-strokes. These should not detract from the leaves and flowers and are only used in obvious open space.
Load a dry 3⁄4" flat wash brush with Pure Gold.
Lay it on its side and lightly pull across the tray-trim rough surface. Don’t go over the same area more than once.
Allow the tray to dry for several weeks and then apply varnish of your choice. If the varnish appears to be mottled, simply let dry and then re-coat. Several coats may be necessary to evenly cover the oil paint.