Page 73 - DPM1_Spring_2022_Flipbook
P. 73
Basecoat the red area on the front of the barn wall with Rookwood Red using the round brush. The sides of the front of the barn are Grey Sky. The roof and the bottom of this side are Zinc. Mix Rookwood Red + a touch of Snow White. Basecoat the red area at the top of the right side of the house with this mixture. The rest of the right side is basecoated with equal parts Snow White + Grey Sky. Dry and transfer the details onto the barn.
Use the liner brush to basecoat the inside of the windows with Soft Black. Add a touch of water to the Snow White + Grey Sky mixture. Use the liner brush to line the window frames, hex signs, and doors.
Place a piece of scotch tape across the top of the roof and along the bottom of the roof. (This will keep you from painting over the edge of the roof.) Using the chisel edge of the #8 shader, add some soft lines onto the roof with Graphite. Follow the angle of the roof. Use the Mezzaluna brush to dry brush some highlights in some of the areas between the shadows and along the top edge of the roof with Grey Sky. (Tip: When dry brushing, take the DRY brush and dip it into the paint. Wipe most of the paint onto a paper towel. With the remaining paint in the brush, scrub onto the surface to make a nice soft highlight.) Remove the tape.
Shade along the sides of the barn with Graphite using the #8 Shader. Shade under the roof and the red area of the front of the barn with Soft Black using the #8 Shader. Use the liner to add Grey Sky highlights on the roof lines on the peak. The side door is the Rookwood Red + Snow White mixture.