Page 99 - DPM1_Spring_2022_Flipbook
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SDP 2022 Paint-Ins
Be a part of our SDP Paint–Ins in 2022! Gather your chapter, invite your friends, family, co–workers and neighbors for a painting party via Zoom or in person. Find some new members!
Where do you start?
1. Set a date, location, and time for your Paint–In (You may schedule the paint-in anytime during the
specified month.)
2. Register your Paint–In at
How to register:
1. Email SDP Headquarters at 2. Subject line: PAINT IN – the week you are selecting
3. In the body of the e–mail, please list the folowing:
• Name and Chapter
• City/State
• Estimated number of participants
• Email
• Phone Number
Jumping Into Spring
Never Lose Your Sense of Wonder
Judy Westegaard–Jenkins cda September
Deb Mishima
Santa and Friends
Kathy Swigon cda
Rosemary West cda