Page 44 - The Decorative Painter Winter 2014
P. 44
the colored pencil. You can use a cotton swab dipped in a bit of odorless paint thinner to fill in the specks of paper that show through the color. This can create a rich, beautifully blended finished piece that has the look of an oil painting.
Strengthen the highlight with White. Fill in the bell more solidly by burnishing it with Burnt Ochre. Now use a red of your choice to add tints to the bell.
Strengthen the highlights with White. Darken the shadows first with Burnt Ochre and then with a smaller amount of Dark Brown. Now burnish the ribbon with Beige or Light Peach.
Black. Burnish these areas with Beige in the lightest area and Burnt Ochre between the lights and darks.
With a transparent layer of Sunburst Yellow, glaze over the highlights on the front of the box. Soften the edges of these with Carmine Red, until a nice blend of values is achieved.
Deepen and burnish the front of the box with Crimson Red. The shadows created by the jack bag and its strings are Black Cherry and Dark Brown.
With Dark Brown shade the box’s visible side panel (the right side of the box). Place these shades on the left edge and bottom (near the holly leaves). Burnish these with Olive Green and Beige.
Outline letters on the front of the box with Black Cher- ry, and then highlight them with Light Peach. Burnish around the letters with Burnt Ochre. The shadows cast by the bag’s strings are Cool Grey 70% and Dark Brown.
Strengthen all highlights on the horse with White. Shade all of the darkest areas with Terra Cotta, followed by a small amount of Dark Brown. Burnish these with Crimson Red.
Glaze the horse’s bells, flowers, and ears with Sunburst Yellow. Shade the balls that hang from the strap around his neck with Burnt Ochre and Dark Brown. Darken the tail and mane with any of the colors that were used in this area for the first layer. Darken the cast shadows first with Dark Brown and then with Black. Shade the blue bands with Cool Grey 70% and a small amount of Black.
Darken the area around the jacks that lie inside the bag with Black. Now add a little Black around the outer edges of the bag. Darken the folds with Dark Brown. Strengthen the highlights with Beige. Tint the bag just a bit with Gold- enrod. The bag’s string is simply filled in more solidly with White, Sunburst Yellow, Burnt Ochre, and Dark Brown.
Fill the jacks in more solidly by applying all colors used in the first layer.
Allowing some of the paper under the hat to show through will lend texture and depth to the piece. Dark- en the hat, filling it in with more small Crimson Lake X marks. Darken the shaded areas with Black Cherry. Use Carmine Red to soften between the Crimson Lake and Black Cherry areas.
Strengthen the light areas with additional White. Tint around the highlights with a small amount of Sun- burst Yellow.
Darken under the hat with Dark Brown. Shade on the right side and bottom of the face with Burnt Ochre, us- ing heavier pressure. Avoid hard lines by softening and burnishing with Light Peach. Now apply a smaller amount of Dark Brown to this shadow. Strengthen the highlights with White. Shade the nose with Burnt Ochre, and add tints of Terra Cotta. Add a glint of White in the highlight.
Fill in the eyes with Brown and the mouth with Dark Brown. Add White highlights to the eyes.
Shade this with Black, and then burnish it with Burnt Ochre. Strengthen the highlight with White. With Burnt Ochre, darken the green on the side of the platform and that on the ribbon. Now burnish those with any of the col- ors that have been used in this area. Inside the box, darken the areas that lie to the left and right of the platform with
42 The Decorative Painter • ISSUE NO. 4, 2014